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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. Man, we needed a broadcast for this game. Lol
  2. An Alabama loss today would be bad news for all teams on the bubble trying to get in.
  3. If Georgia was to beat Bama next week, neither would have a shot. Bama would go in at #4. If it all pans out like it is "supposed to", Oklahoma Ohio State will be interesting with UCF doing what they can to argue their way in. Got to see how they rank Oklahoma and Ohio State this week. That'll tell you where they are at.
  4. Oklahoma probably. If they beat UT somewhat convincingly. Honestly though, I think Ohio State is better than Oklahoma.
  5. Yeah, Ohio State is recievers WIDE OPEN.
  6. Both these teams suck. No wonder there is a mass conspiracy to get the Big 12 in.
  7. Their playoff hopes ended when the QB broke his leg. Undefeated or not, the committee won't be putting them in with a back up.
  8. IDK if I would call Aggie "little brother". That would imply they come from the same bloodline. They are more like the "red headed step sister".
  9. Michigan blows. Maybe Oklahoma should get in...
  10. Like I said, it's the same select few in Beaumont who have been on this since Day 1. It's probably not hard to figure out their motivations behind it. It's just the world we live in. Keep it going WB. Hell of a win Coach Peevey.
  11. The Big 12 has no realistic shot at the Playoff. Oklahoma can win out all they want, the Big 12 won't have a representative.
  12. Been that way since Peevey got the job. Some people in Beaumont have been wanting him to fail from Day 1.
  13. What happened? Channel 12 reporting fights outside the gym after the game.
  14. Don't think I said anything negative about Bo Jackson. Lol
  15. Don't disagree that many can play. I think LeBron doesn't have the toughness to be a great NFL player. He don't want to get that physical.
  16. LeBron is too soft to play in the NFL. Yeah, he would be a dream athlete and what not, but he doesn't have the bite to a week in week out NFL player.
  17. Bro.....I literally been thinking the exact same thing.
  18. Ahh, I thought they had two scoop and scores and a KR TD. Those scoop and scores hurt.
  19. I think EC had like 4 defensive/Special Teams TD's
  20. The same mod who dropped "Bastards" on another thread...
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