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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. Thanks for the info. Not that i get arrested frequently or anything haha
  2. Can an orange county cop write speeding tickets in newton county?
  3. I was just curious if county cops could make arrests in other counties. Good info. So State police can make arrests in other states or no?
  4. I understand that off duty cops still have authority. Again, point is not making about "police brutality". The officer was doing nothing that resembled police work, as she was off duty... Would a city cop, off duty, in another city have authority in a different city they work, or is their authority contained to that city in which they work? Example... Dallas city cop vacationing in Austin.
  5. I don't think there is much doubt that Clemson/Aggie game would be/was a better game than UT/USC is going to be. These are two programs relying 100% on past traditions to pitch to viewers. As current teams, neither are very good.
  6. This will be simple. Democrats will vote Beto, Republicans will vote Cruz. The values or ideas or all the other stuff won't matter. It all comes down to which party shows up to the polls.
  7. Again, I am in agreement with you. Also, remember she is off duty, this has nothing to do with police shoots anybody. Civilian kills civilian. Surely there is more to the story, but I do not believe and hope people don't turn it into, "police vs African American" or "white vs black". I do not believe either were a factor.
  8. Never thought I'd ever say this: I agree with Big Girl....kinda. Story is hard to believe. I think where we are different is "life threaten situation". IF, IF, she truly believed she was in her apartment and seen a silhoutte of an unknown man in her house, she gave commands to not move or whatever, then shot. IF someone was in my house, and I said stop where you are, don't move, and they ignored and kept moving, I would probably shoot too. But again, the whole story is super fishy.
  9. You can't forget, they played Clemson a tough game.
  10. The truth and a verdict is two different things.. It's not what you know it is what you can prove in court. I think they will have a hard time proving beyond all reasonable doubt. Good thing for me, I am not a jury held to that oath. I find it very hard to believe you walk into an apartment that isn't yours, don't realize your in the wrong apartment, don't turn on any lights, see a figure, pull your gun and shoot. Idk, like I said, it could be one of those bizarre circumstances, and if it is that is terrible for all involved, but Idk, something seems super fishy.
  11. I find her story very hard to believe. It does not make much sense, and I believe she probably knew him. Obviously knew him? Maybe not obviously. But nah, I have a hard time believing what she is saying. But to each his own. My point, this has nothing to do with police brutality. Point blank. ..............
  12. UT needs to pay you rent for the space they occupy in your head.
  13. [Hidden Content] 19% to 36% Impressive. Seems to match up with real life people I have talked to as well.
  14. Idk, maybe she was like "hey i think ill go shoot a black man today". They obviously knew each other. There is obviously something we all don't know yet. She should be charged with murder. Her being a police officer has zero to do with this case. Her excuse is very hard to believe. Again, obviously something more to the story. However, throwing "police brutality" and racist white cop into the mix is an absolute joke.
  15. Please. This has nothing to do with "police brutality".
  16. The Cowboys are reportedly concerned about the team’s lack of success and how the brand — the most valuable brand in the NFL — doesn’t resonate with the new generation of fans. They should be concerned. The Cowboys might be the most popular team in the NFL, according to the most recent numbers from Harris, but the Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers are the favorite teams of those under the age of 30. The Cowboys make up the big meaty middle — they’re the dominant team of those aged 30-64 — but that group doesn’t determine who is cool these days. Ninety-four percent of respondents under the age of 30 told Public Policy Polling before the Super Bowl that the Cowboys were not “America’s Team.” PPP also found that no survey takers from ages 18-29 listed the Cowboys as their favorite team, but 41 percent of those under-30s did say the Cowboys were their least favorite team. It'll be interesting to see how long 7-9 will be acceptable by Americans. Numbers are already showing people who didn't grow up in the 90's don't like the Cowboys.
  17. Again, that is wonderful. Not really my point. The point, this is an awful prime time game to watch. That is undeniable.
  18. Personally, I think kids should have to play in the district they live in. You should be free to play wherever you want, as long as you move there. Just me.
  19. Know one of the girls who was killed. Sweet girl, great family. Absolute tragedy.
  20. Texas has to win this weeks against USC. Is USC a title contender, no. But a win, will be a nice momentum boost for a team that had another let down against Maryland.
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