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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. The people of Texas deserve these games. It is a shame Aggie rejected the games.
  2. Time will tell. 3rd year in the league usually shows what a player is.
  3. Again, never said he went to ISIS territory to prove people were good. The area they were in, was rendered "normal" and "an area I would tell me close friends to go". The couple did not seek out an ISIS territory to bike to prove people were good, as the first article posted would have you believe.
  4. Re-read. Serioulsy, take a moral trophy. You have defeated me in this great debate. I have been broken into submission. Please, have a great day and keep fighting the good fight.
  5. The Headline and Source is all I need to know it's another one of the funny posts on here. I played the game on the last article and turned out I was right. Read it or take my word on this one. Either way, I am out. Keep fighting the good fight my man.
  6. I wasn't trying to debate really. I am one of ya'll. I was merely trying to see the reasoning for posting a million biased articles a week. Who are we trying to reach? We all agree with those articles, and the few dems on here don't. Nothing productive comes from it. That's all. Not trying to fight lol. Oh and I couldn't care less about who throws a football better. As you like to stir up the dems, I can't get enough of pissing off a Cowboy fan.
  7. One biased article after another. I am a Conservative by the way. Full on Trump supporter. Democrats are just barely harder to speak with than some of you.
  8. Right on. We have ran our course. I do not intent to "stifle 1st amendment rights". Just think some of the speech is useless and childish. That's just me. Keep fighting the good fight.
  9. Scott Stewart, a vice president for tactical analysis with Stratfor, a geopolitical intelligence firm, said that before the attack, his company had ranked Tajikistan as medium for a terrorism threat, “and, quite frankly, the attack hasn’t changed that.” “I would have no problem telling close friends to go to Central Asia,” Stronski said. The U.S. travel advisory for Tajikistan on July 29, according to a State Department official, was at Level 1, the lowest, which means Americans traveling in the country should “exercise normal precautions.” The article you posted says nothings about Americans going to "prove people are kind". This isn't ridiculous.
  10. Ok. Like the Pluralist article on the millennial biking. Seems a little ridiculous. I don't know how much truth it is being a pretty biased site and what not. Even if it is believable, the sole purpose of posting it is to make fun of liberal. Not to educate or persuade. Read the comments on it. It's all about making fun of people, and the story line is probably not even true. What is the purpose? And I am not getting personal with you? I asked you a serious question about your intent on the site. Are you looking to persuade or educate liberals on issues? Are you wanting to chat with like-minded conservatives? You don't have to answer, it just genuine curiosity.
  11. The political forum would love to gain a new member. They are pretty thirsty over there.
  12. I'm not fuming, I am laughing. What is your goal on this site? What do you spend hours a day on this site for? Honest question.
  13. I'm suggesting that this section of SETX has turned into a joke, partly because people post ridiculous articles just to stir the pot.
  14. Too many articles get posted on there anyway. We should post about what we think and what we see, rather than idiotic article after non credible source after party baiting news after another. This forum has become to hard to follow. Everyday its 10 new articles being posted with the sole intent to get people going. Quit playing into it.
  15. This isn't college. We all felt lucky to watch Tebow, VY, Manziel...etc. He had one outstanding year at Mississippi State. His last year there he was, eh. There is no comparison to Romo/Prescott. Romo was an actual NFL level QB who could sling the rock. Prescott is laughable with passes over 15 yards. They are not even in the same stratosphere. Game manager at best, with a little more mobility than the average game manager.
  16. No, he won Rookie of the Year, and had a lot less talent around him than Dak did. That is neither here not there though. Dak can be functional, if they lean heavily on Zeke. Too many times last year Dak was asked to do too much. He isn't they guy you want throwing it 25-30 times a game.
  17. Dak is not good. Dallas is going to have to lean on Zeke as much as possible. However much he can physically handle.. Very solid rookie season, but Vince Young also won 11 games as a rookie. Teams get film, make adjustments, yadda yadda yadda. Simple fact is Dak is not a good enough passer to be "the man". Dallas can win some games with him at QB, but he is not and never will be "elite". Dallas finishes 9-7 (at best). Jason Garrett gets an extension. The Cowboy way.
  18. Man this thing goes dead as hell when the Astros are losing. Talk about some fair weather fans. Pretty ridiculous.
  19. What was this deal with all the weird posts this morning?
  20. If Arkansas beats Texas, will that prove how good Aggie is?
  21. David Irving will be suspended the first four games of the regular season.... For the second straight year..
  22. As a casual fan, with no dog in the fight, I am not too interested in the Finals this year. Maybe it is just me. I've seen this show before. Now, no Kyrie. GS is 10-1 favorites. LeBron may find a way to win 1 maybe 2 games. I think he will be a Rocket or 6er next year.
  23. If all this is true, the school district is about to be hit hard by this law suit. It will be interesting to see how it plays out in court.
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