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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. 1. A NBA, rogue who was immediately fired and sentenced to hard jail time. If I have to explain the difference, I can't help you. 2. I'm not clear at what you are getting at, please explain. 3. It is not little sense at all. You imply that the NFL referees and NFL executive "rig" games. Their only motivation to risk so much is for money. Having Dallas play longer would significantly boost revenue. However, Dallas never plays longer. Why? If they are rigging it for money, why is their biggest money draw ever getting the benefit of the rigged system?
  2. Good teams need to schedule as many good teams as possible. Bad teams need to schedule as many bad teams as possible. Simple. Don't over think it.
  3. The NBA had a ref "rigging" bets for himself. The NBA never had any proof whatsoever that games were being "rigged" by executive or referees in general. That case was a rogue referee with a gambling problem, attempting to win games for himself, not the league. Boxing is rigged by the athlete. Not fighting his best and losing on purpose. That is not done by an official. What you are arguing with the NFL does not have any similarities to either of the two you just named. Little off topic.. do you believe 9/11 as an inside job by the American government? Or Sandy Hook a hoax?
  4. [Hidden Content] If people as simple as you "know" it is rigged, the FBI would as well. This dude did hard time for making calls that helped push his bets. This is no slap of the wrist crime, and is nothing that just gets to happen. Maybe your "expert" on the chat room should send his "evidence" over and start locking these "cheating" officials and the NFL Illuminati can all go to jail.... This is what happens when die hard Cowboy fans have to endure two decades of irrelevancy. Sit around, drink the Kool-Aid, and hate on the winners.
  5. Dude, this is a guy on a message board. A conspiracy theorist. He is getting trashed by the comments. This is suppose to change anybody's mind? Here is this losers first sentence: How is it that Vegas makes the point spread line and over under so close every week? There is not one game where the game TOTALLY BLOWS away the point spread or the O/U. His first sentence is completely false. Just like last week with only 2 games being played 1 games spread was "Totally Blowing" the point spread away. The week before that 1 out of 4 games had the spread "totally blown" out, and another the week before that "totally blown" out. Another Quote from the Village Idiot: The refs also manipulate who win for the overall good of the NFL. The "good of the NFL" would have Dallas relevant in the last decade, Brees vs Brady in the Super Bowl (not Foles), Pitt Vs. NE in the AFC title game (not Jacksonville), the Chiefs Vs. NE in the Divisonal Round (not Tennessee), the Ravens in the playoffs instead of the Bills. They had 5 chances to really "rig" a game to boost revenue and they didn't. Did they really botch 5 "rigged" games in 3 weeks, or do you believe they only "rig" games for Tom Brady who they spend millions and millions and two years worth of time just to suspend him for 4 games. Get real man. Man, the NFL really screwed up rigging those games,
  6. You showed two plays.... 1 where a wrong call was made, and 1 I don't know all the facts but at the very most 10 seconds were added to the clock. There are thousands of calls that are made correctly, even against an outcome that would land the NFL more money. If it is rigged, who coaches Dallas doesn't matter. You also avoided all the other questions. Your logic is flawed at best. I can't keep up this argument. If you truly to your core think games are decided and rigged already, why watch? Just stop watching, it is that simple.
  7. If you're argument is that Jon Gruden can't coach we are done here, I do not want to argue with ignorant.
  8. To make it like Mathis won him the title is not accurate at all.
  9. That is not my argument at all. Someone took credit from a State Title winning coach and gave it to a guy who wasn't in town. I'm sure Mathis is a fantastic coach, but giving him the credit for someone else's title is laughable, and ignorant.
  10. Really.... Up 14 with 7 minutes to go, and you are preaching cheating that 10 seconds was added to the play clock. I hope you are not serious. I again ask you, if they NFL is rigged, the only reason would be for money. And since big market teams bring in more money, why haven't they rigged it for "America's Team" and make much larger profits? Why would they rig a Super Bowl featuring Nick Foles instead of Drew Brees? Why hasn't Dallas been relevant in 20 years?
  11. Kinda like Sean McVay going 11-5 with Jeff Fishers 4-12 "Building Blocks". Same players, better coach, better results.
  12. Brady and Bill about to walk to another Ring. Shame. Damn Refs.
  13. Depending on the district they end up in, man.....That poor baseball team. No offense, that is going to be rough.
  14. I would lean Offense: Johnson Defense: Foster
  15. I would be happy as hell with a thousand dollar bonus. Really, I would be cool with anything my company gives me that they don't have to.
  16. No, no. I think they have ton of potential. I am rooting for all their success.
  17. No, that is not how it was meant. The thread question is, are they set to be a powerhouse in 6A. I fully hope/expect to the new school to be very competitive. I guess it is your opinion on "powerhouse". There are a lot of questions that remain about the new school. We don't even know who is going to be coaching it. They will have a ton of talent, but there are a lot of 6A programs in the State with a ton of talent. Like I said, I think they will be very good, probably the best team in this area year in and year out, but I am not expecting them to be in State every year. Hell, I don't expect them to be at State consistently. I would imagine they will get there, but not like the Patriots getting to the Super Bowl. So I think they are going to be very good, but no, I do not think they are going to be a "6A Powerhouse"?
  18. There isn't an 8th grade team in this area that is better than Legacy. Bryce Anderson is something special. He will make an immediate impact at whichever high school he decides to attend.
  19. I still do not see how Aggie can, in good faith, talk about how great the SEC is in football. Aggie contributes nothing to that greatness. Mack, you continue to be the little dweeb bragging about how bad ass his cousin is.
  20. Man, how about this Silsbee LCM game. Sure was a good one. Oh sorry, wrong thread.
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