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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. But you gotta remember, Dak threw for more yards than Drew Brees in that one regular season game.
  2. She may be the dumbest person ever elected to an government position. She really is clueless.
  3. Hate that I missed it.
  4. Murray ain't leaving football. He is expected to declare for the draft today. Though he should go straight baseball, he is going to give the NFL the first crack at stardom.
  5. Man this blew up when I had to check out. Starting shift. Will check back later. Stay safe
  6. 2020 will not repeat.. assuming you mean Trump won't be elected again. That would be your opinion Unless that has been "proved" as I learned in your vocabulary lesson.
  7. He must be implying your some white country racist.
  8. Does putting the word "fact" in front of personal opinion make them fact. Fact: My wife is a great cook Fact: my kids will be MLB players Fact: I will be 6'5 Fact: Elizabeth Warren is Native American Fact: Obama was a great Presiden Fact: Hilary won the election of 2016. Man that was fun
  9. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  10. 3 different QB's made their playoff debut last week and they all three lost. They must all suck.
  11. Mahomes is the real deal, in my opinion. If they lose this weekend, that won't change my mind.
  12. So not much. That's not cool. He was such a phenomenal high school player.
  13. Jack Dallas ever get any PT at Lamar? Football or baseball wise? Is he a Sophomore now?
  14. I guess "he's lying" if he don't close the border if the wall doesn't happen. Call it a lie, am empty threat, a bluff, I don't care. He has said many things I don't necessarily agree with. Has said things I don't think he should have. That doesn't change much for me. It's obvious we need a better immigration policy and a more effective wall. The money he is asking for a drop of water in the ocean compares to the budget and money given to much worse causes. I have a bigger issue with certain people just trying to prevent the President from doing his job. They all have said on record they support it. I have a bigger problem with that than Trump making an empty threat or a bluff. That's just me.
  15. What do you mean? Should I be argumentative and aggressive. I don't think the border will get shut down. What more is there? Democrats are holding the government hostage just to keep Trump from getting the job done. People like you blame Trump, people with sense realize what Democrats are doing. There isn't much more to debate.
  16. I don't have the power to shut it down. I doubt Trump will close the border. Again, nice take. It is very simple. All the prominent Democrats are on record supporting exactly what Trump wants to do. Because he is trying to do it, they are blocking it. It's not about money it is about not letting Trump move forward with his agenda.
  17. How has a Buna/EC game thread turned into a Hardin thread. There is already two threads discussing Hardin's distance from highways..
  18. Are you waiting for a response to "GOP doesn't have the guts to do it"? I don't think they will shut down the border either. Nice take..
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