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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. ehh, the title of the link is a little much.
  2. I'll say this, without saying all your points are not valid or true. I do not know a single Caucasian person who has ever or would ever threaten another person for walking too close to somebody. I also don't know a single person who would threaten with a gun or any other weapon for that matter another person coming to pick up a date. Does that happen, maybe, probably, but there is a ton of stupid/ignorant people out there that do ignorant things such as the examples you have described. But, the vast majority of Caucasian citizens would not do that. The problem would be the small percentage of people who would. It is not a matter of white vs black. It is a matter of morality and kindness to others, regardless of race. And the sad fact is, there are people out there, white and black alike, who lack morals and lack the ability to just be kind to others.
  3. The cost of insurance didn't change for you after ObamaCare? I know for me, my premiums more than tripled. That isn't because I just want to make Obama look bad, it is just a fact.
  4. I know it is early, but this should be a great opener, at least from the dramatics aspect. I am assuming no Thomas for the Cavs, but Bron, Wade, Love and the crew should still be the favorite to win the East. Kyrie and Gordon will probably take longer than a preseason to gel. I think Boston makes a game out of it, but I see the Cavs pulling away the last 5 min and taking it by 8-12
  5. This is Houston's series to lose. Only advantage New York may have, the bullpen.
  6. I'm a believer in Newton this year. They are very good. They give WOS and maybe PNG and PA problems, but they are not close to WB. WB is loaded this year. That game would not be close.
  7. This table does know good. They won't take the time to analyze it. If they did, they wouldn't be able to understand it. If they understood it, it would still be white people's fault. *they* is referencing those who cry race on this board. Sad I have to clarify "they", but that is the world some have created.
  8. An African American can say whatever he/she wants. A white man says "they", and he is a racist.
  9. West Brook would run away from WOS, but they should being a 6A. The #2 team in the rankings, we all know is the best team in the rankings.
  10. Lumberton has set the bar pretty high with 19, more than double the total from Nederland, Ozen, and Central combined. Should be a great match up between PNG Offense/PAM defense
  11. [Hidden Content] Wonder why the tune is changing? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The people have spoken.
  12. He is controllable. Jerry's #1 HC criteria. Also, no ego, criteria #2
  13. I do not disagree with you on the point of there are some cases of a certain law enforcement individuals shooting too soon. But, I do no blame ALL cops. I blame the individual who pulls the trigger. There are 95 % of law enforcement who do great jobs. 5%, should not have a badge. Also, some people try their best to make this a white vs black thing. That is far off from the case, but it is what gets portrayed and that is flat wrong.
  14. I do too, thought he was pitching well. Really well
  15. Don't get going to Verlander there. Pray Houston pulls this out or they go into game 5 without a major bullet not in the chamber.
  16. Houston should worry about finishing off the Red Sox.
  17. Martin was not killed fleeing from a cop? He was also not killed by a Caucasian. The cop who shot Castille is not a Caucasian. I am not saying that there is not a problem. To flat out say WHITE cops are killing black men, is inaccurate and just spread that poison of racism.
  18. He gone when you done did that.
  19. Adrian Peterson faced 8 man boxes every game he played in Minnesota, they were able to run effectively. Elliot isn't getting 8 man boxes. Dallas is choosing to throw that much, and it is backfiring. Dare I say they let someone go too soon........
  20. I am no coach, nor near as smart as they are. However, in my opinion, they throw waaaayyy too much on 1st down. Which more often than not results in 2nd and 10 and puts you behind the chains forcing more throws. Last year they pounded the ball on 1st down and often got 2nd and short and then could run off play action or continue pounded. I was watching yesterday in amazement, watching Dallas be in an empty backfield on 1st down, with the lead. People can say whatever they want about my opinion, but facts are facts. Dallas can't win games when they ask Prescott to be the focal point of the offense. He is not elite. Pound the rock early, and often.
  21. Cowboys are now 1-6 in games that Dak throws the ball 30 times or more.
  22. I do not think this will be permanent. Coaches come and go, true rivalries last forever.
  23. I hear your argument. I am just a neutral bystander. But C'mon man, why play a game your know you will when be 40+? Honestly?
  24. If that is the case, why not play Burkeville instead of BC or WOS
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