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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. Do you trust Comey to have lead a credible investigation?
  2. Agree. These playoffs suck. Everyone know who will be in the finals, we have known it since opening tip. Both teams are 8-0 and are winning every game by double digits. These super teams have ruined the NBA.
  3. they told him to back of prior to this incident?
  4. Correct, according to the police, the dashcam has the car moving away from the office. That makes it murder to me. His life would not be in danger if the car was moving away from him.
  5. Serious question. Does that mean that tax payer money was wasted because they are not being used?
  6. Maybe Zimmerman seen him and wanted to provoke him into a fight. Maybe during that fight he would let Martin beat him up for a little while, so he could then shoot him and claim self defense. That is it. He was letting Martin beat the crap out of him just so he could shoot him and get away with it.
  7. No he was not there to give his account. However, I would assume based on the physical evidence and what not, i dont know, i am not a forensic analyst, the investigators concluded that Martin was physically assaulting Mr. Zimmerman, as someone stated earlier "whippin is ass". If that is the case, Martin is as much at fault as Zimmerman was. He should not have assaulted anyone. Like I said both were out of line and both could have ended the situation without it getting physical. It is a shame it came to that, and another case of an individual, white or black, losing their life.
  8. Okay, this case was 100% avoidable by both individual. Was Martin profiled? Probably. Is that fair? No. That is on Zimmerman. But, that does not give anybody the right to turn to physical violence. That was on Martin. Once the fighting breaks out and emotions flare there is no sure outcome. I don't know what I would do if a person of any color was on top of me, beating me. I do know if I felt my life was in danger, I would defend myself with any means necessary, including killing my attacker. Physical violence was not necessary from either of the two in this situation and the instigator of that violence is liable for its' outcome, IMO, and also the opinion of the jury who heard the facts of the case.
  9. The recent shooting in Texas is a tragedy. The cop made a stupid choice and an innocent kid was killed. It is terrible and that cop should suffer the most severe punishment the law allows.
  10. No Kawai, no excuse to lose that game. Harder was awful late in the 4th and OT.
  11. Thanks to Obama, you are describing me.
  12. I appreciate that response. Agree or disagree, respect.
  13. It is a simple yes or no WestEnd. Would you support that candidate?????
  14. Didn't the Obama administration exempt themselves from this atrocity of what is ObamaCare?
  15. They are one legit starter away from being a World Series contender. Maybe a trade deadline pickup can put them over the top.
  16. The number of people who don't have insurance because a lack of effort is greater than the ones who have pre-existing conditions. You can make yourself feel better by "trying to cover" everybody, but by duty and responsibility is giving my kids and my family a decent life. Answer my question. Would you support a president who directly is responsible for $1,000 less in your pay per month than the last? $1,000 per month for 12 months, $12,000 4 years of his crap, $48,000 $48,000 is what Obamacare would have cost me in increased premiums from my previous plan. Would you support that candidate?
  17. The bill would eliminate tax penalties Obama's law which has clamped down on people who don't buy coverage I love it. Now, I can just do like those who are too lazy to work for their own plan, not have one The bill would block federal payments to Planned Parenthood for a year. Love this too.
  18. If you were in my shoes, would you be an Obama supporter? Would you really support somebody who was directly responsible for taking $1,000 out of your paycheck a month? Honestly?
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