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Everything posted by chas_sportsBGBL

  1. Anyone interested in starting a little dribblers program in Port Arthur?
  2. The Lady Jayhawks Basketball team will start off our 3rd season with a parent information meeting this coming Thursday 2/28/2019 at 6pm at Memorial High School in Port Arthur, TX. This team is for high school girls. If you are interested in playing and cannot make the meeting, you can private message me for additional details. Our coaching staff and players are expanding and would love to have as may teams as possible. Thanks to all in advance
  3. Southeast Texas Hoops registration is now open. Contact league or myself for more information
  4. I coach for setx hoops for girls the youngest is 4th and 5thgrade
  5. The Lady Jayhawks Basketball Team will be entering into our second season and we are accepting players for our High School Division. Our team will be having its first official team meeting this coming March. Also middle school age girls are welcome to join also
  6. 14-16 girls aau team looking for a point guard. We have a tournament next weekend to email me asap if you really interested
  7. Is your daughter still interested in playing? I'm starting a select team of middle school age girls to play and travel this summer. My email address is [email protected] if you want to speak further. Thanks for your interest!!
  8. Still looking for a team?
  9. I'm starting a select team of middle school age girls to play and travel this summer. My email address is [email protected] if you want to speak further. Thanks for your interest!!
  10. League vs team. There's your difference
  11. I am forming a girls select organization this coming summer for girls from 4th grade on up. I am looking dedicated coaches and players who want to get better. Tournaments will be played throughout the summer months and costs will be minimal. Contact Chasity Wallace [email protected]
  12. It's every week but we can set up a scrimmage during the week.
  13. If you want to bever apart of this league this summer please let me know
  14. Where is your team based out of bc I have a girls basketball league in the works for this summer if you were interested in some local play.
  15. The Beaumont Girls Basketball League registration period is nearing it's end. All age girls and teams are welcome. To kick off the season we looking to have an area wide adult basketball tournament as a way to get the parents together for a fun experience. For more information, please contact Chasity Wallace at [email protected]
  16. Registration is now open for the Beaumont Girls Basketball League. For more information you can email the league president at [email protected] or visit the the league website at www.leaguelineup.com/beaumontgirlsbasketball/
  17. You can email me at [email protected] or you can visit the league website at www.leaguelineup.com/beaumontgirlsbasketball
  18. Beaumont Girls Basketball League is looking for sponsors, league volunteers, and coaches to ensure our girls have a great season.
  19. New girls basketball league forming this summer. This program is designed to develop team skills, improve fundamentals, and achieve maximum performance. This league will be open to all ages, sponsors, assistance. If you are interested in being apart of this wonderful new opportunity please email me at [email protected]
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