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Everything posted by alloutballer

  1. Hey kid this is not chase and y u keep own talking about my spelling we are talking basketball and u keep own talking about spelling you know what kody you need to get in a spelling B bc you can't play ball. ;D. Im sorry chase mad you :'(. The other day i asked him y u would have any beef own him and he told me personally about a summer leauge game a couple years back he told me he was in seventh grade playing against own a jv team and he crossed u so bad u wouldn't evan shake his hand ;) ;) . You need to get over kid thats been four years ago
  2. kody can't but his brother might it would be close
  3. The Sabine Pass 1 and 2 guards impress me alot very scrappy
  4. alright senior ;D ;D It's going to suck when your still OWN the bench as a SENIOR man i fill for you. Youre brother being as good as he is and you can barely make the team. Man u are not to bright your self look how you spelled youre lol ;D ;D i bet ur face is like this :'( Umm in def. not gonna be on the bench... and i could come to Spurger(Butt)Pirates and start over chase anyday... ;D ;D Yeah you should listen to your bro he has sum pretty good advice for sum_1 and y u putting chase own blast i dont think he has did anything to you, or wat he do? ??? ???
  5. Yeah you cool and smart. Go Pirates!! Boo Sum_1 lol ;) ;)
  6. The only person spurger is really losing is Phillip the sheffield turned the ball over way to much. Sure JT scored during the regular season but not very much in the playoffs and pate didn't evan score during the regular season all he was is defense. Daniel and john will make up for them ;) ;) Mcgallion is just a cocky kid who thinks he is awesome... and he isnt :D McGallion does have some confidence issues sometimes but his only a sophmore and if ur jealous about his skills y dont u ask ur coach to get a warm up game with them this year i want to c u try to guard him when u get off the bench I doubt the warm up game will happen.. but i would demolish him..he is chubby and slow..he sucks at shooting.. the only thing he is good at is passing.. Yeah i bet u doubt the warm up game you scarred lol but i don't blame u.....
  7. You didn't last year in warren so give me that money homie lol jk and no disrispect to your bro he just called out this kid and don't have no room to talk
  8. alright senior ;D ;D It's going to suck when your still OWN the bench as a SENIOR man i fill for you. Youre brother being as good as he is and you can barely make the team. Man u are not to bright your self look how you spelled youre lol ;D ;D i bet ur face is like this :'(
  9. I WILL SEE YOU @ THE HD GAME,WHEN SPURGER COME TO HD I NO YOU ARE GLAD GEORGE IS STAYING @ SPURGER ;D ;D ;D yeah im pretty glad that george is staying and ill come up and say hey bc i think i know who u r but idk i might make a full of my self calling everybody catman in hull
  10. thank you cat man 1st person bside a SP player to think we make the playoffs ;D if they hav george then i think they wud hav the 2nd spot well i guess im the second person i think you'll can take third to you'lls guards are pretty rounded
  11. The only person spurger is really losing is Phillip the sheffield turned the ball over way to much. Sure JT scored during the regular season but not very much in the playoffs and pate didn't evan score during the regular season all he was is defense. Daniel and john will make up for them ;) ;) Mcgallion is just a cocky kid who thinks he is awesome... and he isnt :D McGallion does have some confidence issues sometimes but his only a sophmore and if ur jealous about his skills y dont u ask ur coach to get a warm up game with them this year i want to c u try to guard him when u get off the bench
  12. Yeah West Hardin has a chance to beat any body at home especially when the fouls are 33 to 15... thats for the whole game
  13. Cody isn't evan 1/2 the player as his brother size and talent he can't shoot either the only shooting he does alright is in warm ups if he was own a good team he wouldn't evan see the floor
  14. The only person spurger is really losing is Phillip the sheffield turned the ball over way to much. Sure JT scored during the regular season but not very much in the playoffs and pate didn't evan score during the regular season all he was is defense. Daniel and john will make up for them ;) ;)
  15. CATMAN you r smart i am from spurger or woodville and ill c u in state if big sandy makes it o ya and for all you'll that thinks George is leaving he isn't he is staying lol i beat everyone in this district was happy that he was leaving but youll got to wait three more years before he leaves o ya i'm not for sure but i think that McGallion will be ready he looked pretty solid this year in summer league and daniel will get his head own straight by district hoppefully
  16. How good are they going to be this year? & How far are they going in to the playoffs?
  17. Warren is deffinatly going to the playoffs this year!!! ;)lol jk This year is going to be tuff for them but in a couple years you never know what could happen......
  18. My bad i meant to quote that own Catman. Well Catman, do you know benny well??
  19. sounds like you know him well... Do You???
  20. Has he been a coach for big sandy before and is he real close to Foster?? ???
  21. who is benny? ??? ???
  22. yes i agree way more discapline and they have a sophmore point guard that is really impressive
  23. lol ok i guess u do have the right to say that sence you'll did make it so far in the playoffs and I know summer league isn't nothing to alot of people but during big sandy's summer league this year they had some trouble with spurger what makes u so sure that big sandy would come out number one in this district
  24. They have three post one is about 6ft4 and plays really young the other two is seniors and they both are basically just there for defense but all of there post will have problems in the post season there guards will lead the team this year
  25. what do u mean with out the cats in the district
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