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Everything posted by dove

  1. Please tell me that this paragraph is a joke???? It looks as if he might need to go back to school...I know a lot of people from WH and I know that he doesn't represent all of them by his actions on here.
  2. The funeral was today and the procession came through downtown Liberty. People were lining the streets to show their respect. Police officers and Sheriff's Deputies were standing at attention at just about every intersection. Complete strangers were standing amongst each other holding American flags. The fire department had the ladder on the firetruck fully extended up waving a huge American flag. It was nice to see so many come to show their respect. It was a slap of reality that our freedom is not free. May God bless this family and all of our soilders. Prayers from Liberty.
  3. I have to second this nomination....Daniel has been playing some great ball. He just gets better and better with each game.
  4. Congratulations Hardin!!!! Man, what a game. Keep on rolling!
  5. SteelerCzy, I am not sure that oldplayer is from Hardin, but if he is, he does not represent us from Hardin....I agree with you 100%...I think for the most part, Hardin is excited about having a great year so far....we are opptimistic but we are not disrespectful of other teams...
  6. Final score 54-13....Way to go Hornets! Now lets start focusing on district...
  7. I agree...The Houston Chronicle had Nolan ranked 3rd for a couple of weeks and now ranked 2 out of 25 for his passing in the Houston Area. He has had some pretty good stats... Not bad at all....But when talking to Nolan, he credits everyone else on the team for his stats...That is a true team player...
  8. Loved the article! Coach Haynes has not only improved the football team, he has changed the mindset of people in the community....People are excited about Friday nights! I have not seen so many turn out for football in a long time. Even the attitudes of the football boys has improved. They are showing respect to each other and acting as a team. That is a huge improvement from the last several years... Congratulations to Nolan and the rest of the Hardin Hornets! Stay focused and listen to your coach!
  9. Congratulations Hornets!!!! Anyone know any stats from last nights game yet?
  10. The game had been moved to Dayton due to the field already being in bad shape from previous rain and the anticipated arrival of more rain. However, thankfully the storm missed us and the game was moved back to Hardin. See ya in Hardin, tonight at 7:30....Go Hornets!
  11. Hardin vs West Hardin's game has been moved from Friday night to Saturday at 2:00pm at the Dayton High School Football field. If any other changes occur before then, I will be sure to post.
  12. Hey Coop, Nolan and Stelly both play for the Hardin Hornets....
  13. Win or lose Sambo, were still cheering for you! Keep your head up!
  14. Oh, what an awesome game....Great job Hornets. Great job QB Jordan Nolan...You are leading the Hornets well. The Defense was unbelievable. They were awesome tonight. Dillon Barber!!! Holy Cow! He had an excellent night. Congratulations on another win! See ya next week!
  15. Come on Hornets....Don't start talking a bunch of smack just yet. You won your first game and that is great...However, you still have a lot to prove to yourselves and others. The most important thing is to have respect on the field and off of the field. Talking smack isn't going to earn you respect either place...I will be supporting you win or lose, but do yourselves a favor, lay off of the inflated egos. It is still a little early in the season for it.
  16. We need more post like this....Great post!
  17. Great job Bobcats!!! Way to go Sambo! It sounds like you had a great game...
  18. Hardin shut down Tarkington. The offense looked great as did the defense. Both sides dominated tonight. Great job Hornets! Your hard work definately showed tonight. The new attitude around Hornet country is contagious. I am ready for the next game. Where will it be?
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