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Everything posted by Socrates

  1. Shame on you beechnut for not supporting your district. #12 for BC is maybe the toughest kid I've seen this year, he took a beating and kept on ticking. Hate that it got ugly in the last few minutes, but BC put up a good fight, better than the final score indicated. Sherm is FAST!
  2. Planned on just listening to a quarter or so, but couldn't leave the room after I started listening. After setx feed went out I switched to the Huffman feed, good job by both. Wish this game would have been on Friday night, but oh well. This game was what high school athletics is all about. Congrats on a great effort Silsbee and way to represent 22-AAA Huffman.
  3. All I know is DUDE IS FAST.
  4. Not sure about his exact stats, but I'm surprised Gilbert is not getting some mention. The kid has been lights out every time I've seen him this year.
  5. Since when do we call individual players out by name on here. You can make your point without singling a kid out, c'mon man!
  6. What happened to Mike? We need some October picks, it's his month.
  7. You really need to hire someone with an education to proof what you post. You make no sense. Congrats on getting the internet.
  8. That's a pretty clueless post beechnut. If you aren't informed then don't post. He was dead on.
  9. Amidst all of the shock and sadness, let's reflect the way Coach would have wanted. He did it as good if not better than anyone and he died doing what he loved. Well done, sir. R.I.P.
  10. Can anyone tell me where to find a school's overall football season record for past years?
  11. I can't get any audio from the KSHN feed, anybody got an update?
  12. Check your pm, incognito.
  13. Cleveland HAD a heck of a coach.
  14. MVP- Blaine Hashagen  (Sr) Huffman Offensive MVP- Tristan Johnson (Sr) Tarkington Defensive MVP- Tyler Jackson (Sr) Tarkington Newcomer- Tyler Stallings (So) Splendora Coach of the Year- Tom DeBerry  Huffman 1st Team P-  Byron Webb (Sr) Liberty     Josh Consemiu  (Jr) Tarkington     Tyler West  (Jr)  Huffman C-  Matt Daniels  (Jr)  Cleveland 1B- Corey Spray  (Fr) Huffman 2B- Austin Listi  (So) Huffman SS- Alex Knight (Sr) Coldspring 3B- Michael Guynes (Jr) Tarkington OF- Christian Ellisor (Sr)  Shepherd       Brent Johnson  (Sr)  Tarkington       Garrett Jones  (Jr)  Huffman       Taylor Kelley  (Jr) Coldspring       Cory Reneau (Jr) Splendora U- Austin Key  (So) Huffman DH- Cole DeBerry (Jr) Huffman 2nd Team P- Branden Westerdahl  (Jr) Coldspring     Michael Brents  (Sr)  Liberty     Nathan Schwertner  (Jr) Huffman C- Luke Harris  (Fr)  Liberty 1B- Jeremy Lowe  (Sr)  Cleveland 2B- Travis January  (So)  Coldspring SS- Drew Walker  (Jr)  Cleveland 3B- Jake Vaught  (So)  Liberty OF- Matt Holt  (Sr)  Tarkington       Colton Monroe  (So) Coldspring       Tucker McKenna  (Jr)  Splendora       Christopher Ellisor  (Sr) Shepherd U-  Winston Rice  (Sr) Splendora DH- Scott Walker  (Sr)  Cleveland Honorable Mention Tyler Henson, Ryan Smelley    Tarkington Dylan Rhoden        Splendora Doug Higginbotham    Cleveland Matt Stephens, J.C. Fishback, C.J. Duenas    Coldspring Ethan Johnson, Clint Riddle, Sam Hopkins, Trey Kinder      Shepherd
  15. thanks
  16. Anybody know how Huffman came out?
  17. Playing in Georgetown tonight
  18. A tip of the cap to you Coach Stalbaum, well done sir.
  19. Been waiting for this one all week, can't wait. I have friends on both sides, just hope they both play to their potential.
  20. Just curious, what does it cost to rent one of those private places for an hour?
  21. Big win for Coach Wiggins, sounds like he has those guys rolling at the right time.
  22. I don't think it was because of rain.
  23. My understanding is that this tournament has been cancelled.
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