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Everything posted by twilyms

  1. 1. You travel 6 hours. Then an umpire you've never seen before calls a third strike with the bases loaded for the third out, so far outside the catcher practically has to dive for it. Then he walks to the other dugout with a big smile on his face to see how the coach's wife, Marge, is doing. 2. Parents who complain about playing time when their kids show up every third tournament because of those other sports. 3.High school coaches that are intimidated by or resentful of select ball.
  2. Last year FHWS agreed to not play league games on Saturday. They went from 4 teams to seven teams and the competition and All-Stars were raised to a higher level. They learned that kids will choose select over Little League if they are forced to make a choice.
  3. Yes, it went through. The fall season was pretty succesful. My son is having a ball and learning a lot at the same time, so I feel like that is a success. Here is the link to their web site: [Hidden Content]
  4. Wow! That is one great story. It's amazing how athletes don't realize how much they can effect a little kid with a kind word or gesture. I guess that's the difference between athletes of yesteryear and millionaires of today. I envy that guy.
  5. My 11 year old is 6' 2" tall and weighs 220 lbs. Which league is he eligible for? He had to sit out this year and listen to his friends talk about how much fun they had. Just be glad your kid wasn't excluded. Let them have the fun while they can.
  6. Orange Crush (Birdwell) Name HR School Class Kendall Williams 1 HF Soph Haley McCall 1 Sulphur Senior Both at Bayou Elite Showcase in Shreveport
  7. Crush Birdwell went 3-2 with wins against TX Energy, San Antonio Cougars and TX Shockwave Select. We lost to Fort Woth Bat Busters (Thiessen) and TX Glory (Foutch). All in all it was a pretty good weekend. The first inning of our 9:30 games killed us both days. After bad first innings of both games, we didn't give up another run in those games. We need to learn to start a little better. We spent both days in McKinney with very few scouts, so we were a little disappointed in that. We did get to play some ball against some good competition and that made it a good weekend.
  8. You also need to remember that the current sophomore class was undefeated and dominant as an eighth grade class. This freshman class didn't get to experience the frustration of their predecessors. Let's hope that the new coach has a different attitude toward the sub-varsity level. If so, HF will be extremely competitive for the next few years.
  9. Really hate to hear about our friends in BC. My wife has been helping Kendall's pitching coach, Chuck Theriot, tear out sheetrock for two days. They got 7 foot of water in their house and lost everything. Ike took it a lot easier on us than Rita and Humberto. I can relate to what everyone is going through. Got word today that we probably won't have electricity until the first week in October. That is nothing compared to losing your home. May God bless.
  10. We got a call last night to let us know when first practice was.
  11. Great field work with Birdman and WJBooger shouldering much of the work. (NEWS...I know you were in there too.) C. McClain did a full share of trench digging and mud sloshing Saturday as well. Thanks to everyone who made what seemed like an impossible (or at least improbable) task a big success. P.S. ---- I think all of that work slowed WJ's reaction time down a little. That could have been bad!!! Nothing an ice pack and a little massaging couldn't fix. Learned a valuable lesson though, never take a drink during live batting practice unless behind a fence.
  12. My Rhino was so shocked it went into complete shutdown. Had to put it in the shop today for total overhaul.
  13. :-* ;D :-* Due to field conditions from last night's rain, tryouts have been cancelled for today. Tryouts will go as planned for tomorrow @ 2:00 PM.
  14. 50% chance today, 40% tomorrow. 8) That means 50% chance it won't rain today and 60% chance it won't rain tomorrow. The odds are with us.
  15. This is a very good website for tracking the storm: [Hidden Content]
  16. Great post. The pride shines through with your words. You can tell you are very proud of these girls. Congrats on a great run!
  17. Man, somebody throw a softball tourney so we can get away from all this lunacy and get back to what we enjoy. This board has gone slap dab nuts.
  18. There are a lot of coaches that have their personal funds tied up into this tournament. That along with trying to pickup players for player shortages means we , the teams, need some answers today. If we are paying $200 to play, $30 for umpires, and $10 at the gate I would expect water in the dugouts, field crews, and happy well qualified umpires. Upsetting the umpires is my job on the field.Just kidding. If this tournament is not going to happen we need to know today so we can get our money back. Have you ever paid close attention what you dump out a water cooler after a tournament or watch what goes on with a water cooler during games (particularly with younger age groups). You've got hands getting ice, wet rags, neck coolers, etc. going in and out of them. I know this and I still drink out of them cause its cold, wet and refreshing at the time. I'll deal with the potential squirts later. As far as the costs for this tournament, I had nothing planned for this weekend anyways and its at home. Beats finding some pickup tournament in Houston that costs about $2000 total travel and accommodations for my team. I'm with you MC......... 1. Bring a team cooler and drink bottle water or Gatoraide. 2. As for field crews.... been to several tournaments lately that did not have Field crews. 3. I bet there are enough "empires" for Pirate88 to make mad! Lot cheaper to stay close to home> I'm with you guys. I can rake, done it before. And drinks are cheaper than hotel rooms.
  19. The most disappointing Astro is Cecil Cooper. He sticks with struggling players too long. He makes poor strategical decisions and makes way too many mistakes with the pitching staff. He has had his shot, now lets get someone who knows how to run a ball club.
  20. Heard the game was suspended. Not sure when it is going to be finished.
  21. We only used on pitcher last night, Slade Collins. He will be moving back to short.
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