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24 over par

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Everything posted by 24 over par

  1. great half wos 24 more minutes
  2. congrats hardin really good year unbelievable turn around
  3. lumberton up 14 to 7 go raiders
  4. dayton is burning up right now
  5. great start wos keep it up
  6. congrats and good luck hardin
  7. kountze rebounds with a 6 piont win over silsbee
  8. more cow bell i must have more cow bell
  9. pounce i hope you enjoy this stuff because you are truly a @$$
  10. he sounds like a good fit for texas tech
  11. warren is just better than bc by a large margin
  12. warren 90 hf 44
  13. congrats warren thought bc would have kept it a little closer
  14. big home court advantage always that way
  15. perfectly said nothing to add you guys who are traveling be extra careful on the highway
  16. no shame in losing to #1 team in the state it was a little higher scoring than i expected but what do i know
  17. heck yea post any stats you have
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