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24 over par

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Everything posted by 24 over par

  1. i have had a good feeling about wos all year the defense is as good as advertised and the offense is better than they get credit for. wos advances
  2. things will be tuff for lumberton until football is over so kelly in this one
  3. now thats a good ole country thumping
  4. have mercy, but we really could use a little rain
  5. if it is at new waverely look out because all calls go there way at home any where else kountze wins
  6. any chance it blows over by tonite or is this a all day thing
  7. wow fans went to a football game and a track meet broke out
  8. legacy have many seniors anyway good luck next year something to build on
  9. congrats to lumberton big win
  10. ec showed some heart coming back like they did congrats again on a great season
  11. congrats to hardin real nice win good luck next week
  12. i dont know anything about hf but good luck pirates i may be able to see this game
  13. seems like a really good game hate to hear ec lost really great year
  14. good win warren
  15. thats just what i was thinking hellava gal
  16. good first game it will only get better
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