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24 over par

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Everything posted by 24 over par

  1. levi will be a great coach for the pirates
  2. have the pirates added any assistants yet
  3. i dont know him but sure wish him the best now if he has time to hire a staff
  4. i am just upset with the timing
  5. they were interviewing yesterday i would love to know how it all went
  6. coach dale really left us in a bind leaving so late
  7. interviews today i dont know who
  8. any names of possible ad yet
  9. we are late. gonna be hard to put a staff together
  10. anything anybody
  11. huge difference between good disciplined ball and stallball
  12. will it only be on the computer or on tv
  13. if evadale doesnt give up alot of layups on the press they will win
  14. congrats buna survive and advance
  15. congrats evadale
  16. why is this being played so far from both schools
  17. wow congrats sanaugustine
  18. was it just me or did jaspers gym seem like a 1960's prison gym
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