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24 over par

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Everything posted by 24 over par

  1. i aggree sounds like he is seeing for himself
  2. I know that's right. Glad to see someone from BH actually admit that. I didn't necessarily mean it in good way, tnt My last thought on this before I leave it alone, promise. I agree with RangerDad AND Bobcat here, but there was regular breaking of the forum rules AND some overeation by Mod's. Its important to remember that free speech is NOT guaranteed on this board, nor is it a democracy. Its a good board and I hope it continues. Hijacking threads with obscure "inside' references is annoying but not that hard to skim on past. Speaking negatively of any player should be a one warning and then your out, period. I think taking your marbles and going home cause you don't like the rules is fine, but remember that this is the only marble game in town. I enjoy reading the softball forum because those guys seriously care for the girls and want them to do well regardless of where they are from. I hear all of this talk of breaking rules and it makes me laugh. I post more on the football thread and there are rules broken there on a daily basis during football season and nothing is said, at least I have NEVER seen anything said publicly much less start a thread about it and call out a poster. Poor Coach Crouch has been taken to the woodshed more times than I care to count but the thread will have 20 pages of post and they are allowed to go on and on. It seems to me that there are some that are using their powers when it's not necessary. JMO ;D have mercy another good post
  3. Just passing on the information I got a little while ago. Word is they will not be back until a certain Moderator is no longer a Moderator. I also know of others that deleted thier accounts today. They feel they would be on even "Playing Fields" if he was just a posters. Just the messenger................ : are they supported by the union? i've never heard of a poster's strike before. "we want freedom of speech, better benefits, our own moderator, and you have to get rid of this guy, or we aren't coming back!" give me a break. i've got no problem with any of the guys who deleted their accounts, but why would anyone affiliated with the site be concerned about 5 or 10 posters leaving? apart from the softball forum, nobody even knows these guys are gone. why would the site demote a moderator to get them back when there have already been a ton of issues surrounding them? If the 5-10 people in question were still here then we wouldn't have a thread with this topic. What you have here is the setx version of the swine flu, in the form of a boycott....it will eventually pass once everyone has been vaccinated. Softball may be delayed folks, but there's no doubt it's not as lively on here as of late - freedom of speech should trump everything! (less cuss words, of course) good post
  4. at least were talking about something
  5. it is so slow maybe cheater and i can start talking abou each other
  6. gone but not forgotten
  7. Not as long as some are still moderators. The board will go on.......... May not be as fun or entertaining, but it will go on! aint that the truth
  8. chuck has the paper work to prove it
  9. did any body go east to the state tourny
  10. i havent saw them anywhere and it sure is dead without them
  11. wow on the softball side that would get you a time out at least
  12. this will be closer than most folks think and way closer than than this
  13. i agree but the backs and recievers get all the ink
  14. i bet a lot of teams will go for a 1 game situation in the 2nd round to keep from playing 4 games in a week
  15. jasper has had another good season nothing to be ashamed of, this guy needs to be drug tested
  16. both teams will be a little rusty by the time it is played
  17. congrats and continued good luck
  18. Thats in MARYLAND! Not happening.... : take it for what its worth but ive heard this come out decarlos mouth himself wow
  19. win the district. haveing trouble finishing 3rd
  20. buna and ec both finish ahead of kountze
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