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24 over par

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Everything posted by 24 over par

  1. i dont think a 7 game series could end this discussion
  2. Don't pat yourself on the back so soon. A few more and all the girls in the golden triangle would have been on the list. You are too nice. i aggree
  3. congrats bc smart move to start early
  4. tough way to lose but the coach did the right thing
  5. congrats to all regional quailifiers
  6. weather looks bad, stay home and watch a movie
  7. i think it is great that any kid is encouraged to play multiple sports
  8. will be tough for all,
  9. bc wins 8-3 probably on monday
  10. Wo-s has a Qb that is better than both...Don't need him. ummmm.... I think he was talking about Deweyville since WOS is south of LCM. amen
  11. joe dooley of dv the 800 have not heard about the mile but i bet he won that also
  12. was hoping to be there at 5 but i cant make it at 1 but i understand the need to move it good luck to all
  14. welcome back osue i didnt realize you were gone until you were back but glad to see you back any way
  15. have mercy
  16. i dont know when ec plays kountze but best of luck ec
  17. would love to see all 3 in the playoffs
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