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Everything posted by setxathlete14

  1. Guess they'll have to get some more plays gone is the earl campbell offense with the graduation of the awesome RB. He was a senior right?
  2. It takes the community too. They have to buy into what he's pushing
  3. Someone who's training his heir?
  4. It doesn't
  5. Hate that for any kid. Tough 1st round loss for an all state player.
  6. Offensively how does it not go to Hubert Thomas? I'm not sure of the rest
  7. Personally for me it starts with history and it can't be lopsided. It's not a rivalry when the record isn't even close to .500 being able to look at it from both sides
  8. You don't have to be open enrollment to get better ones there. All you need is a mailbox.
  9. People are nieve. Can't win a Kentucky derby with a mule. The great repetitive teams have both not one or the other.
  10. So you're telling us every athlete on png roster has not been recruited?
  11. Better Athletes mean nothing without decent coaching. Prime reference: WOS.
  12. Yes they are. Called a hold on SOC on the PNG redzone pass play. Also the lineman was almost in the endzone looking for a block before the ball was thrown too lol
  13. Offensive scheme does not dictate success it's the execution, attitude and effort within any systems.
  14. 1 thing for certain. Coach Earned 3 more years to figure it out lol
  15. Opting is always an option. Are they considering any BC assistants? Highly qualified after that season they put up.
  16. I won't even say anything or stir anything up other than great work kiddos.... Well deserved hard working young men..
  17. Big hit at qb spot might have to change philosophy...But i think so as well.
  18. That's why I put that statement in parenthesis.
  19. No i read that from the smoaky forum itself. Either way I'm not sure how much it really matters other than answering the simple question. Tearing my hide up 🤣🤣🤣
  20. Don't be mad at me 🤣. I didn't make that up. It was straight from the smoaky guys. Idk if it's true or not
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