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Everything posted by setxathlete14

  1. I heard there was an influx of Port arthur transferring to png dont know how accurate that was.
  2. WOS by 13-14 no matter who coaches
  3. that means a draw right? boy i'd be a little mad if i was a nederland fan lol
  4. great win vidor! true discipline and belief on that one lol very effective pop warner offense lol
  5. No turf until they start winning! Lol
  6. Thats for sure if parents can't get better at buying in with him. We don't have much hope.
  7. 1 thing we can be certain of is lumberton is usually always towards the bottom in football..... just how it is.
  8. I noticed one i believe maybe 2? from orangefield myself and found myself a little confused. Lcm basketball program isn't any level above OF
  9. I heard of another candidate besides listed above was getting a deep look. Longtime LCM alum currently in Longview area....
  10. Even pop Warner teams throwing more. Speed is evolving.... kids are different now. A shotgun based formation is just more successful usually in today's game across the board I believe. Some people are stuck in the 90s
  11. They need to scale it back to 3 playoff teams per district. Shooting for 4th place is a real achievement every year.... Great coaches make it work EVERY year. Young or returning... png. Nederland. West orange... we CAN be held to that standard eventually and it all starts with the right leadership. Maybe then more parents may buy in... maybe they won't
  12. they tried the wing/slot T for a bit couple seasons back... they swapped back to the shotgun stuff mid season and was actually more successful.
  13. Yep and even before that year I can't really remember a time they were THAT bad. Usually lumberton and vidor and 1 more toss up game were layups most years
  14. for futures sake of the kids. splendora by 6 lol
  15. I've heard very differently internally over there from the experienced guys there lol rumors of course though.
  16. When moody first came more kids came out including multiple transfers from west orange oddly enough we had 4 of which were "qbs".... Id expect a similar turnout with a new coach new ideas new system.... i completely agree with this... even when crouch first started community and player turnout was better. Now? Slowly declining every year... the picture seems clear to me here.
  17. I was only referencing vidor to your lack of talent comment. If you don't have as many playmaker its on the coaches to do a better job with creativity. Maybe the community is tired of the smokeshow and complacency? Community is the problem? Win more football games
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