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Everything posted by txstar

  1. I won't bore ya'll with all my "deer management" mess, but I assure you that the rule will be NO Bueno.  Bottomline, until east Tx hunters can accurately age deer, it's not going to get better...plus, if you have to let those basket racks 'walk', you're gonna get a bunch more basket racks on the property...inferior mature deer need to be shot to eliminate their poor genetics from the herd, so I believe this 'rule' will be counter productive.  I wish everyone great hunting this season, and be careful entering and exiting stands.
  2. LCM2LU, you bet there will be tailgating...I know us fellas in the Football Alumni Association will be tailgating big time!...and I encourage everyone to tailgate and have a huge time...Let's try to make this thing big enroute to D1.
  3. While driving down 59 South last week I was pulled over near Missouri City by a police officer, then 10 minutes later, I was pulled over again by a county officer.  Both officers indicate that they are stopping every vehicle towing an ATV because 59 S is a major path for stolen ATVs.  Both of them shook us down pretty good and then put an "X" on the trailer...??? and sent us on our way.  Ya'll have a good season.
  4. I've hunted all over Texas for over 30 years and I see many hunters use different calibers, but they always seem to go back to the .270.  I think it is the best all around caliber, with good decent power, awesome accurac, and accuracy is easy to find. I used the Federal Premium 130 grain and saw success.  I think the most important thing to remember is to shoot a gun you have confidence in and are not afraid to shoot.  I shoot a .300 win mag and it shoots a dime sized (bullet holes touch each other) at 200 yards with a group of 3-4. Never been a big fan of the .243, but alot of people love them, but I believe anything from a 25.06 on up (25wssm, 260 Rem, 257 Weatherby, 264 win mag, 270wssm, 280 Rem) will do depending on where you are hunting.  Deer in deep south Texas, old bucks get up to 240+ lbs., and I shoot the .300 because I'm not into tracking, however, it has made me deaf.   Anything under 400 yds. will usually hit the ground.  Ya'll have a successful season and be careful getting in and out of stands.
  5. All Lamar University Football Alumni Association members are invited to tailgate prior to the scrimmage at the Soccer complex...we'll try to be set up by 5, and anyone wanting to help can call Dr. Cavness
  6. I have had great success with a 870 mag...holds up good to mud, water, etc. and it shoots good...spend the big money on a deer rifle and even more money on a quality Luepold.
  7. The schools in 23-A must stick together, as the state sometimes makes reference to consolidation of small schools.  Everyone knows we do not want this.  Keep Chester in your prayers for a speedy recovery and don't forget H-I as they are struggling with enrollment from IKE.  Hopefully Chester and H-I will get a big number of move-ins and boost their enrollment.  Good luck to all of our 23-A teams and hopefully the schools will see increases in enrollment and improve success in all of their athletic teams.  Have a great weekend.
  8. Prayers and best wishes for the staff, players and students at Evadale ISD...get well soon!!!
  9. Coop, my hands did not type what my brain said to type Vidor 35 OHS 12
  10. Vidor 38 Central 12
  11. Will be a great game with alot of rivalry...the difference will be Evadale's discipline...last year HD had (I believe) 5-6 personal fouls, and at 15 yds a piece that adds us. Evadale will prevail in an aggressive game by 13...Have a great weekend.
  12. Went to Webb county this past weekend and it looked good. Have had some rain...I expected desert conditions...bucks looked healthy and in velvet. Rain slowed down the dove movement...gonna be a good season1
  13. Well put 77...good luck to this fine young man
  14. Rebels 27 --- Legacy 0---at the half
  15. I agree with TVC...an expensive is nice to look at and have...but I prefer a shotgun that can get rained on, get dirty, and one that I can throw in the back of the pickup...I shoot the 870 mag and is dirty, scratched, etc. and it just keeps on shooting
  16. SETxfan1...You hit the nail on the head! I grew up in the early eighties and summer meant working in the sun all day, doing something hard, and then going up to the school to run and lift. We had no IPOD or any of that other video mess. Bottomline, most of these football boys do not work in the heat during the summer and therefore are not used to the heat, period. This whole issue of moving the season back is ridiculous. Opening weekend of Deer season is the first weekend in November~!
  17. Ragin Cajun, Huckaby is an assistant at Hull-Daisetta. He went there from, I think Paul Pewitt, because his wife took the Superintendent position at Hull.
  18. Danny Faust did in fact play at LU in the late 80's, and finished at Southwest Texas State upon the cancellation of football at LU. He played RB and was a great athlete. He is an outstanding coach and I believe he would fit in well at OF. He is a good family man and would be a good addition at OF. I believe he can get the most out of the kids. And, he can handle the mess associated with being an AD.
  19. Met with both Billy and Blake earlier in the week and Blake is keeping his options open...but I hope he decides to sign with Lamar...look for big things from both of them!
  20. Texas A&M Outside Linebacker Billy Chavis (6'5" 245 lb.) just got his release from A&M and is strongly considering being a Cardinal. Tough, aggressive and good in the classroom...plus his brother who is even bigger and meaner is at Navarro and will come with big brother...it's looking good.
  21. Big MO, you can't be in the press box...you are in charge of blowing up the run through...you and A.S.
  22. I can appreciate TPW's attempt to regulate what deer get harvested, but antler restrictions alone are not the total answer. If you want to grow bigger racks, you must harvest 4+ year old deer who do not meet the criteria, if you allow them to breed, you will get more narrow small racks. You have to cull out the 4+ year old deer that you do not want breeding. There are a number of issues other than merely the width of a rack in determining what deer to take in an effort to grow deer with better racks. The last study I read that about 90+% of the deer harvested in East Texas are approximately 2.5 years old. That amazes me that people would harvest a 2.5 year old deer. You have got to let them grow up and you have to be skilled enough to know when to cull a deer at 4.5-5.5 or let it breed and grow. I think the antler restriction alone is not the answer. Hunters need long hours of stand/blind time, hours of video watching and reading about how to age deer. I know there are huge deer in East Texas but they are few and far between...but if hunters discipline themselves to take the correct deer, the results wil begin to show in a few years. South Texas didn't just all of a sudden get good racks...they've been managing for almost 40 years and the results are there and have been for 3 decades. Then again, it is tough to let deer walk when you are paying hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to harvest a deer.
  23. Brandon Nash at OHS Ronald Antoine, Ceaser, a bunch from WB Not sure about CHS
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