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Everything posted by Land95

  1. One of my classmates is coaching at Jasper and he told me that this group at jasper high school is showing so much heart and the want to get better.He say's it reminds him of when we played in 94-95 just that get down and dirty work hard felling and this is just the offseason.I belive jasper will be very very strond this year.GO BULLDOGS
  2. Jasper has it rolling pretty good it's pay back time lets go DOGS.
  3. I fell the same way jasper has a good shot of gone real deep.
  4. Jasper Carthage Diboll
  5. Jasper Carthage Diboll
  6. K.Spikes has a strong game.All is not lost for jasper.He get's the ball to his team mates they just have to put the ball in the hole.Every one has to step up with D.B. out.GO BULLDOGS
  7. If OF beats jasper they will have to play Jasper again if im right. And I dont think they'll beat jasper 2 times in a row. And OF is not that good they are just a slower jasper.And Spikes is a better jump shoother thanD.B. so if they let him get open shots OF will go home without a win.
  8. D.B. can drive to the hold on anybody.But Spikes is a better jump shooter when he hot he's hard to stop.They are a better team when both are on the court but spikes will carry the load tue.night.GO BULLDOGS
  9. D.B. Has mad Game and the heart to go with it. Dogs hold it down and give him a rest so he can be ready for the playoff.Lets put that speed on full blast and end it quick.GO BULLDOGS!!!!!
  10. Im A BULLDOGS fan and im lokking forward to jasper preason.Strong games
  11. Coach Brooks is going to have a full off season with his BULLDOGS so I think we will do very well in the preseason and Dist.play.As long as we come out healthy we should be in good shape this year.GO BULLDOGS.
  12. Man it's going to be cold tonight.But those bulldogs will keep me up jumping up out my seat all night with some good plays tonight.GO BULLDOGS
  13. Take's more than one player to win.Jasper has more than one option to go to so much speed in the back filed.We should has fresh back in the game at all times.
  14. Thing's are just better with coach Brooks and his coaching staff that all im trying to say he brings the best out of his players.He had a good teacher in coach Hooks
  15. No there is a difference.At was at all the games last year and some of the same kids are still there and know them well and they left team .But you see no problems out of them this year cause the coach's are doing better than last year.These young men have felling and you cant come at them the same way.
  16. Jasper has the team to win friday that for sure.As long as we hold on to the ball.And can Navasota get pass out Big D. we have a lot of speed as well at the coners.And if we get past this one and the Hill is still there it will be a tough came just like before and they said we would not win that game but hard work and speed pull it out for us.
  17. I hope Coach Quick has those plays working good Friday as well.
  18. I see a big change in this jasper team cause of the coaching staff you really don't see the coach's sceraming at the kids like last year and that makes thing's better for the kids and that's why no one has quit the team like last year these kids love playing for coach Brooks. Will coach Brooks bring that first title to Jasper in football?
  19. This will be a good game no blow out here.But hey after the first round it's not going to be easy.The team that want's it the most will win and after last year jasper is hunger and they want it bad.JASPER ALL THE WAY
  20. Hey Got Heart We Do and Bulldog92 this team kind of reminds me of that 04 team.You think we will see a Jasper Liberty Hill rematch to see who goes to state?
  21. Jasper has been a running team almost all year.Jasper really did'nt need to run sat cause the air ways were wide open so if they try to stop the pass that will open up the running lanes for D.Bailey,W.Brooks,D.Bronson,W.Ellis and M.Bronson we should have freash backs in at all times.Jasper 35 Navasota 21. Jasper will not have to deal with such a big O Line fri so we should win this game.
  22. Jasper is clicking at the right time we started out slow be we have pick it up at the right time.I think jasper and wo-s will go three rounds maybe all the way to state.
  23. Jasper's has the team to go all the way if they play hard and keep there mind's in the game and if we get behind hey it's not over.Just like in conroe that year jasper played forest brook and was up by 34 at half and FB came back so it can be done.The BIG O was open up sat petal to the matel passing and runnd the ball all day that's what you need to do if your going to win STATE.Jasper is clicking at the right time.
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