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the wise one

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Everything posted by the wise one

  1. silsbee to athletic for hj only real "athlete" for HJ is trey burrell
  2. kountze wont have any trouble with leadership starting with the head coach
  3. now that we are half way through the season which team is setx has the best chance of going to STATE
  4. dont even reply to 42 he is just trying to start something you know he probably plays in the band or something
  5. im ganna go out on a limb here and say that the aggies are going to win the national championship
  6. yes but in my opinion the better talent you play the better you become so losing to a good team is somtimes better than blowing out a bad team
  7. cant wait this district is going to be tough top to bottom if sabine pass has improved as much as they say they have if not it will be like last year 4 teams fighting for 3 playoff spots
  8. with that size of a line kelly should win state in tapps
  9. i think they can beat buna especially if buna has trouble hanging on to the ball but buna's defense cant stop hardins offense
  10. does dayton still have a shot to make the playoffs i know they lost to lumberton but if they win the rest of thier district games which i believe they are still capable of doing then they will make the playoff but no one is even saying they have a shot
  11. you could also kinda look at kountze the last couple of years since they have been 2-A just as much talent as anyone but just didnt play the game the right way but im glad to see them turn it around this year
  12. oh ok thanks
  13. so your telling me that a 1-4 jv team would beat a pretty good 1-a varsity without some help not saying that Wh should blame there loss because of the varsity player moving down because they still should have won even if kelly brought down varsity players but you cant set there and tell me they didnt move anyone down
  14. that would be a turnaround last year hardin almost finishing last in district and this year going undefeated and winning district
  15. i think this will be another close game like the kountze warren game but i think that anauac is more athletic then warren so i pic anauac by 2
  16. why did this game take place on a thursday instead of friday?
  17. thats why i love high school sports you never know how good a team is going to be year after year
  18. it doesnt matter last night was barely more than just a competitive practice didnt count for anything but from here on out district play starts and just remember oilers everyone is 0-0
  19. was it after the season was over because you would think that if a big D1 hasnt shown interest in you then there not going to sign you, usually a D1 well want you to sign are at least get a verbal commit at the beggining of your senior year
  20. lumberton is good but this district is to tough to go through it undefeated i think derik hall and the central jags will give lumberton there first loss
  21. great game hopefully no one was injured now lets get ready for district play
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