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the wise one

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Everything posted by the wise one

  1. AJ is a great basketball player i think he gets over looked because he is in such a good district and because he is such a great football player
  2. Tyler Copeland, and paul sims are both better than jared williamson and daniel marsh
  3. yes i believe the 6 weeks grading schedule is better
  4. probably because it is a 1-A and they dont want to get anyone hurt, because district starts next week and is'nt that what it is all about
  5. i think this will be the upset of the week anauac 14 kountze 12
  6. i take hardin but not by much warren's deffense is better than deweyville's hardin 28 warren 18
  7. wos will probably win but i love rooting for the underdog go kville
  8. hope everyone stays healthy and uses this game as a tune up game for a run at the district title remember oilers you are district champs until some one takes it from you so play like it
  9. and you never know if lamar get thier rep up they might get some of the top setx recruits because they would want to stay close to town
  10. what about in the 1-a district there are only 5 teams
  11. i think that woodville should be above deweyville
  12. HD should not be in the top ten they are just an ok 1-A plenty of teams in setx should be about them that are not on the list
  13. the kid from west brooke lanard (sp) should be a lot higher. but isnt it sad that west brooke is the biggest school in this area and they dont have anyone top ten thats sad
  14. HJ is still going to be good without Ryan they showed that when he got hurt but i think that they have to find someone to replace the big guy becuase he was a big part of their team even though he didnt score
  15. yes but spurger lost their other post he was a very big part of their team because 80% of the games he lead the team in rebounding. i know that the other whitteker(sp) kid is good but he is a freshman. so i dont think they will be any better than they were last year because they dont have any guards
  16. i think it should stay how it is with 3 teams going because i love all the excitement because usually the 3 place team isnt decided until the last game of district makes the season a lot more fun to watch
  17. what do you mean he does't look fast he looks pretty fast to me and besides vince young doesnt look fast cause he runs like a deer but ask the houston texans if he is fast
  18. last year there was clearly two dominate teams in this district but HD seems a little down this year and evadale a little better than last will hd beat evadale? i cant say because i havnt seen hd or evadale play this year so im just asking.
  19. like who?
  20. why isnt anyone mentioning sabine pass?
  21. how is west hardin not ranked if kountze still is i know kountze has a better record but they havn't played anyone
  22. i know back when i played when it was our homecoming our team got more fired up and more focused because you know how embarrising it is to lose your homecoming because on homecoming usually the entire town is there
  23. 1. Texas 2. florida 3. california don't really know after that
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