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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. Did he say it are not Mr baddog.
  2. You mentioned more welfare which is a drop in the bucket compared to tax breaks and military spending. Still paying for two wars from the previous republican admin. Trump and this alt right cabinet will definitely start another.
  3. His actions will soon start telling! He will be held accountable.
  4. Trump won the election, but don't fool yourselves more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton in this election. So the will of the American people was not done.
  5. Donald said many things during his campaign to energize the alt. Right.
  6. I watched a video of him saying he could. Straight out of the Donalds mouth.
  7. Trump is no John Rockefeller. 2008 will soon return. Trump has drained the swamp and is now using it as a septic tank.
  8. Corporate welfare like the carrier deal is ok. Koch brothers are republicans and also they are shipping jobs to china. They are to big to listen to President grab um.
  9. Im not giving up kellogs for yall. That's bs.
  10. President grab um probably would have tweeted him
  11. David Betraeus
  12. As long as trump don't affect my retirement, social security and healthcare. Im fine!
  13. You voted for trump and can talk about personal insults. trump is the biggest POS ever to become president. Old grab um.
  14. Hope this country can survive four years of donald and his misfits
  15. more like Obama won the electorial college and the vote of the people twice and Trump won by the electorial college only. the people voted for hillary by 2 million+ more votes
  16. on this board you guys whined, cried and complained. so its our turn to whine, cry and complain
  17. dems weren't happy voting for clinton and republicans chose hate over emails
  18. why didn't trump give us the details of this carrier deal, many other companies are probably waiting also. Everyone wants a deal. i want to know how to get out of paying any taxes legally.
  19. For crying out loud, no president can take guns. Just more pub fear tactics. Hannity's face is pretty scary
  20. Romo had no choice
  21. Let's go Viking, whip dem girls!
  22. Can't be done. Whether installed or set on desktop
  23. Can't install camera in locker room, act of stupidity and a criminal act
  24. Sarah Palin considered for a cabinet position, well Glenn Rice tapped her for a position also.
  25. Don't need a flag to know there is rasicm. It exists, but many of the youngsters today are not having it. The biggest group of racist of any race will be dead in the next 20yrs..
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