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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. I don't look at mens crotches therefore I missed it. I guess you do!
  2. Obama will be on Rushmore wether you lik it or not. He has been president for two terms.
  3. Obama didn't go to Rev Wrights church as pres either.
  4. Reverend Wright is nothing compared to these folks I have seen during this campaign. Look at Bannon for one and many more of them that will be collecting taxpayer money in this upcoming administration.
  5. I feel that if they lock her up, they need to investigate Dick Cheney and lock him up too. She's not the first politician to not be locked up. And to answer your question I don't give a damn and neither does the president elect.
  6. What about the whites that have killed cops. Stop being brainwashed by hannity and rush.
  7. You are delusional and foolish!
  8. We have thugs in politics on both sides, we also have thug cops. I have been pulled over by a few. I've worked for 39 years, paid taxes. Never been in trouble. Been married to the same women for 30 years. Raised good respectable kids. And have been talked to crazy by cops for no reason. From now on I will record any conversation if I am stopped.
  9. [Hidden Content] Back to be friends, Will probably invite her to his next wedding.
  10. [Hidden Content] Its a game folks, Trumps, Clintons and Obama's win. Tax payers lose.
  11. Republicans fall hard for conspiracy theories. Amazes me. A man by the name of Barack Hussein Obama won the United States presidency not once but twice raised his two girls in the white house for 8yrs. Has had one wife. If there was news of infidelity pubs would have found it. Hasn't disrespected anyone. Put up with republican obstruction, lies and disrespect of his family for 8 yrs. But he can look back and say he was the first black president. The first black president with a white mother. He was a United States Senator . He is known around the world. He will always be PRESIDENT OBAMA. His face will be carved into mount rushmore. He will have a library in his name. He will never know what folks on setx sports think of him.
  12. Just swapping crooked dems for crooked pubs. Won't effect me either way.
  13. With Trump you will probably get your supreme court choice. The second amendment bs was just propaganda put out there by lying right wing media. Hillary wouldn't have had the power to take away guns. The so called good guys will always have guns and so will the bad ones. There have been many gun murders in Texas. Haven't heard of a good guy with a gun preventing hardly any of them.
  14. If the Republicans would stop their leaders from saying bad things about blacks on a regular basis and stop excepting the alt right and david duke into their party. Most blacks see racism when thinking of the Republican party.
  15. After Obama won in 2008, Mitch and the gang of Republican thugs got together before the inauguration and said they would do everthing they could to block Obama's every move and make him a one term president. Real Whiners!
  16. Grab um said that he wouldn't settle out of court. Another broken promise. January 20th hasn't even got hre yet and the future administration is filled with broken promises and lies. get your popcorn ready and let the 4 yr ride begin.
  17. Why won't president Grab um get rid of the affordable care act on day one as promised to the american people? Doesn't matter that people just signed up for insurance, going by what grab um promised.
  18. Just like dickie Vitale?
  19. the problem is what you have been brought up to believe. Trump has said the craziest things about people and you guys choose to ignore. If Obama would have said these things he wouldn't have been president. And the first lady posing nude would have been frowned upon big time.
  20. Whites don't get shot when they act a fool with cops, many of these circumstances. I could post these all day. if she were black she would have been shot. definately a black male
  21. more minorities need to put in for the policeman job, and more cops need to turn in the ones that they suspect to be crooked cops also.
  22. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  23. Two things that make everbody equal, a message board and a gun. The wimps and the tough guys become equal with these two things.
  24. [Hidden Content] Get your facts straight people, the next four years will be very interesting. i will complain the whole way through. Comedian unemployment rate will soon be at 0.
  25. President Grab um by the .......is the the biggest POS ever elected by the electorial college, considering he lost the popular vote of the people. I have a mother, wife and daughter. trump has disrespected every race including white males that were against him in a very non presidential way. Four years and someone else will have to come in an clean up his mess. the two wars from the last republican regime haven't ended yet.
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