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Everything posted by nappyroots
maybe its about time you guys start going out at night with your hoods on again. " make the klan great again"
Artist cannot be on this song and hate black or white people. The fact that this powerful artist of all genres and races can come together for good makes me feel good every time
One last thing, if my previous post offended anyone. I Apologize today!
Ok man I want be on this board that much anyway. But if you choose to complain about me bringing up the past thats fine. i haven't posted in a month and try to come back as a better poster and you want to complain about me , thats fine . its your right. I will not go there.
It didn't just take a disaster for me. Looking in the eyes of my 18 month and six month old grandkids helped also. I have never been a racist. Ive seen racism from all races though. just trying to improve my health and life. the storm recovery seemed like a good place to start. Kinda like using the treadmill to hang cloths on. time to start exercising. 24 hr news, disrespectful youth. its time for change, it takes everyone to try and help this society.
I work with many people that make a diffrence in their own communities and have been for a long time. I am 52 years old and have just started trying. Pray that I can keep it up.
Im very blessed to have had employment and healthcare insurance to take care of myself. My mother worked at one job for 40 years, helped take care of others for 5 or six years after that and became ill to the point where she may have needed government help had she lived any longer than she did! So in some situations government help may be needed. The pie of government spending may surprise some.
Not many videos show so many great voices in one video and genres of music together!
Everybody needs to open their eyes baddog and i didn't say anything about a specific group or political party. I said negativity and hate. can you show me where i blamed one specific group.
Rebgp if you are a republican and someone else is a democrat I respect both of your choices. i am democrat. There are Republicans that i have grown to like. i used to bad mouth Ted Cruz . I spoke with him in Port Arthur the other day and was pleased to meet him . I don't like every democrat politician and will never vote straight ticket again. We are stuck with bad politicians in either party. While volunteering after this storm and the floods I remembered how my grandmother liked everyone, never said a bad thing about anyone. She didn't care about race, political affilliation are religion choice. Her motto was if she couldn't say anything good or helpful she didn't say anything at all. There are many things that we can agree on, Starting conversations with Why blacks are White folks ......is usually never good. People go to defense mode and say things that even they might not believe. Blaming all blacks for blm are all whites for kkk, saying all dems or all rep are bad helps keep people divided, so the crooked politicians and the individuals or companies that are paying them off can get their way
I never said who was spouting the negativity and hate and i don't care, im speaking of both sides that are involved. Im trying to remain positive these days. ive helped people of ALL races after Tropical Storm Harvey and have met some wonderful people of all races. would like to see more of my people(black folk) get involved in helping. have met some foolish folk, but the good folk and the appreciative folk outnumbered the bad. I will never again get involved in the type of talk that you have displayed on my latest post. You can save it for Big Girl, Tobie..... are one of your other democratic foes. I have no argument for you!
Thank you for your comment Ty Cobb, thats the point Im trying to make!
probably should have put this in the locker room. just tired of all the negativity and hate on the political forum
No black or white or democrat or republican. people joined together for a positive cause
The prez is doing a good job of firing up the Nazis, KKK and the fox real news station. Its time to send all minorities back to where they came from. Maybe get rid of white liberals also. Maybe we can keep the few good ines to work the jobs that we just don't want. We should have stopped these folks when they started wanting equal rights. I understand the slogan make america great again. Everyone should have conservative views. Definately should not enter buildings through the front door, and we shouldn't be subjected to look at them while dining out. Our new leader will make this country white again. Just think, get rid of minorities and our police won't even have to shoot any innocent people. We may even be able to clean Chicago up again. Our drug purchasing sales will drop. But we will have and abundance of watermelon and strawberry soda. The chicken population will rise, but with the savings on food stamps we could pay for the presidents secret service. A world where everyone is white and conservative, wow. Make America great again.
We need peace! Not Hate!
[Hidden Content] Another good example. It can be done
Obamacare could be better if congress had to use it for their families.
I could quote negative facrs on Obama and democrats everyday, but thats already being talking care of on this board. On negative info on Trump and republicans, the help wanted sign needs to be displayed . This raggedy congress has an agenda and it doesn't involve helping the middle class.
Obama, Trump, The Bush's and Clinton's will be ok. I heard Trump say this year that he wasn't punishing Hillary because she had already been through enough, is that a bs answer or what.
Beware of thr big red white and blue.......
If a supreme court opening comes up in 2020, should Trump nominate somebody and have congress vote or should we wait till 2021?
[Hidden Content] Thanks Jimmy Carter for always caring about people. And showing it through hard work and devotion your entire life. The man upstairs has a very special place reserved for folks like you. Your presidential ranking or how rich you were won't matter as much as your lifes work and heart will. We as a nation cannot ignore helping the working poor and elderly and call ourselves christians.
Need to put more minorities in jail for pot. Period.