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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. [Hidden Content] Republicans want us to believe its free stuff
  2. The republicans are trying to bring them back with some of Trumps Klan appointments. David Duke said that he has never been so happy. Hatred has increassed 67%. Blacks and all minorities better be scared as hell!
  3. I've heard to many times about the aca causing cost to rise. So common sense says that cost should drop.
  4. Insurance cost will drop soon when trump gets rid of the aca. Right!
  5. You want him to throw the ball to himself
  6. [Hidden Content] great ten days, the return of slavery in trumps first 100 days
  7. If Ted was so great, why couldn't he compete with Trump. And why did Texas go so blue in this election.
  8. I thought this when some folk were grounding their kids. Kids in my neighborhood were getting an arse whipping.
  9. I have waited 30 years! This has never happened. I did get a two or three hundred dollar check when Bush was in office. But the recession that followed........
  10. I will have plenty of ammo once Trump takes office.
  11. This is a message board. Don't even get on it unless Im bored at the office.
  12. I make enough money to not join the crybabies, just waiting for my insurance cost to drop and my tax break. Will let you know when this happens.
  13. The president elect has bought race relations back into the spotlight. He unleashed baddog. An now he can't get him back on the chain.
  14. Have you read some of the articles on this site. Come on man!
  15. Hate crimes are on the rise. Thanks Donald!
  16. Trump himself is guilty of everything wrong a human can do or say. After seeing and hearing the president elect. Many spankings have come about for kids acting like Trump.
  17. What have I said that was false, and I dont have time to state all the false things I have read. But could name many from the this site.
  18. 24 hr news, the world will be watching for four years.
  19. Ape in heels! No presidential family has ever been so racially disrespected than the Obama's. Trumps family doesn't have that to worry about.
  20. The only pub candidate that I would've liked better than Trump would have been Kasich. If a pub had to win Trump, his kids and their New York state of mind is better than say lying Ted, little Marco or that female speaker of the house Paula Ryan.
  21. They already had everything except the presidency. Because they couldn't beat Obama.
  22. I have white friends, im stating facts. They know it. Did I mention anything that didn't happen?
  23. People used to riot, kill, hang, rape and abuse if a black man sat in the wrong section of an establishment. Drank from the wrong water fountain. Looked at a white women the wrong way. Tried to read a book. Tried to go to a white school. You folks amaze me. Whites in America have a history of far more destruction than this protesting and rioting. Your ancestors or the masters of the riot. Except they were only burning down black neighborhoods and killing black people. Raping black women. That's why I dont condone whats going on today, but don't act like whites have never done it. You guys don't want to bring up that part of history, but love to pull Reagan out of your.......all the time. The party of selective history. Anybody ever watch a time to kill. That happened folks. Next time I hear go back to africa, I'll say take your murdering thieving arses back to Europe.
  24. [Hidden Content] Four years of the trump administration will finally expose racism to the American people on the biggest stage possible.
  25. The Republicans have a Soros match. It amazes me how one sided you folks can be. People have been talking about Trump kids being involved with this admin, Trump kids are the best of this group of thugs that pubs are appointing. People that were afraid when a black man took office, need to really be afraid now. I pray that Trump stays in office, we don't need Pence with total control. Its also time to add a serious third party. These pubs and dems have went batshit crazy with these criminal big money candidates.
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