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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. I will wait and see. But I know to place my bet on the same....
  2. Just in, Trump is putting together a task force to "Bring slavery back again" in order to Make America Great Again. I knew it by some of his latest appointments. Gannon, Bolton and maybe Palin. Palin will have Glenn Rice as her personal assistant.
  3. what happened to Rudy G? To much of an a.......
  4. Obama hasn't cheated on his wife, no disrepsect of women. No scandals or court cases.
  5. Are you giving Chump a pass!
  6. Trey Gowdy aint..........
  7. Well you will pay him for the rest of your or his life!
  8. whut u talkin bout!
  9. I have seen videos of Trump complimenting the Clintons. He invited them to one of his weddings. probably will invite them to his next wedding.
  10. Yeah but Mr Trump thinks he can grab women by the you know what. because of his money. he said it, don't try and defend it.
  11. We got President Obama because of George W.
  12. Where are you Tobie!
  13. To bad
  14. You guys are like chickens arguing about which coyote to trust.
  15. Because the mechanic has no medical experience, would you let the mechanic give you a root canal? The more likely scenario would be letting the doctor are dentist work on your car.
  16. No drop in test scores in my family.
  17. Good kids don't need a conservative or liberal lable. Kids don't spend their time arguing on message boards. This generation of kids get along much better than previous generations.
  18. Don't spend that much time here.
  19. I guess some folks on my job are planted by soros also.
  20. I would vote for my 20 year old over Hillary and Trump. At least He would treat everyone fair, wouldn't lie and would do the right thing always.
  21. Hillary would have done better without the baggage and Trump would have also. Neither candidate should have been in this position.
  22. Its sarcasm on you guys always siding with the law accept when its not convenient. If it was Zimmerman with my family, Zimmerman would have suffered the same fate.
  23. Look at the black voter turnout for Bill Clinton. They supported Al Gore, Gore won the popular vote. If Turnout for Hillary is low it's because of her baggage.
  24. When the actions of cops are questionable, you folks say trust the law. The FBI is the law also. Do yall want to pick and choose when to trust the law.
  25. When republicans started out with 17 candidates, not many folks were saying they wanted Trump to win. Now its Trump is the man. As a rich man Trump isn't even in the top 20. He is no John Rockefeller or Charles Koch. He has cheated on every wife he has had. Disrespected women and every race of people in America. He Disrespected every candidate he has faced and their family's. He refused to show his taxes, but wanted to see the presidents birth certificate. Trump is no better than Clinton and has never done anything for anyone but himself. He wins the award for hypocrite of the year. He has done many things that he accused others of. His wife wants to fight bullying, she must start at home. We have 2 living ex republican presidents that you guys admired until this year that will not vote for Don. Trump has really energized the hate vote.
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