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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. according to your man Rush he did
  3. we see more conservative rag websites on this board and rag characters as in Hannity, Rush and beck.
  4. She is not running for public office.
  5. If the son of reagan said otherwise, you guys would be posting it
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. I would be glad to, unless i had something to hide!
  8. Bill was president for 8 years, what will trumps legacy be?
  9. first of all, all blacks don't riot and loot. A very small group of people riot and loot when something happens. Second, Al and Jessie are not leader of most black people. Bill Clinton has a bigger black following than Al or Jessie. Third read your history, white folks used to riot and burn down whole neighborhoods, they just did't burn their own, they burned down the neighborhoods and business of blacks. See black wall Street Tulsa Oklahoma 1921. That's one of many.
  10. [Hidden Content]?
  11. i don't support murder are harassment by anyone.
  12. most people support the cops
  13. The minds of the left and right are made up from day 1. The middle go either way. Thank goodness
  14. If obama would have pulled this tax stunt you guys would have been all over it. Trump wanted to see the birth certificate himself. What a hypocrite
  15. I didn't defend the left or right. I bragged on the middle. Its great that we have open minded people in the world. The far left and far right sucks.
  16. The middle makes America great, the middle is not controlled by hate
  17. What does al sharpton have to do with trumps taxes. Should i pair you with david duke. Taxes have been shown for the last 70 years
  18. The middle wants to see trumps taxes
  19. You and tobie are both defending crooks, at least I believe that tobie will admit it!
  20. November 9th is a losing day for the american people either way!
  21. Trump is a con man. Never has so many republicans went against their own candidate
  22. [Hidden Content]
  23. "Facts" is the key word sometimes. Its like letting the fox investigate who robbed the henhouse
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