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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. Don't leave out the biggest do nothing congress in history. Probably the worst approval rating in history
  2. How manny straws do you retain when grasping for them
  3. if not for the email situation the old lady would be mopping the floor with her old friend (wink wink) Donald Trump. Its funny the donald invited old Hillary to his wedding and wanted her to beat Obama for president. But thats back when trump was donating money to democrats and playing golf with Bill.
  4. what you like to take food stamps from everyone, because their will always be abusers and their always has been. Congress steals more than people on food stamps.
  5. November 8th 2016 will answer many questions!
  6. maybe because of who she's running against
  7. And trump not producing a tax statement will hurt him, kinda like emails are hurting Hillary. If it wasn't for Hillary's emails, this election would be over. trumps biggest political problem is the man he see's when he looks in the mirror.
  8. He was a United States Senator. You don't think he needed it then
  9. You are talking about a very small percentage of americans dude. we have small percentage of americans that do other unfavorable things also. get this, some of the folks that don't want to work are probably REpublicans also, you didn't hear this from me.
  10. He was a United States Senator. You don't think he needed it then
  11. I have voted for white guys for office nearly all of my life, is that prejudice
  12. Im just willing to place a high dollar bet that obama won't take anyones guns
  13. Obama needs to deliver copies of his birth certificate when he comes to take your guns away!
  14. You would think that he showed his birth certificate when he became a United States Senator
  15. I dont know anyone that is unemployed and doesn't want to work.
  16. The same shape it would be in if everyone were republicans
  17. I know steve nash didn't
  18. Arnold lost his job. The media called victum a war hero.Arnolds fellow officers didn't even support him.
  19. Does it matter that the guy was a veteran? Did the cop keep his job?
  20. I didn't have it in 2007 either
  21. The man said something about trump not trumps family and trump attacked the man's family. That's ok right steve!
  22. And you plan on casting a ballot for donald trump?
  23. looks like trump has had his hands all over bubba's lady also. he endorsed her for pres. when she ran against the black man
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