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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. I said that my 8 yr old has better manners, i wouldn't talk about anyone's kids on this board just because a comparison statement was brought up. i understand that you only do it because your on a message board.
  2. What drink do you partake in
  3. I have taught my kids about people like nash already
  4. A Con versus a Khan
  5. If President Obama wanted to fight back everytime something was said about him he would be very busy
  6. I watched 12 years a irish slave just the other night
  7. Both political partys and all races are guilty of ignorance sometime
  8. My 8 yr old wouldn't act in that manner
  9. Trump is fortunate to not be running against obama
  10. I would love to see you debate him . Would love to see Trump debate any of the obamas including the kids
  11. Trump and Hillary are equally terrible candidates and it is embarrasing for the united states
  12. It looks like everthing that republicans do is ok to you and everything dems do is wrong. Any fair person would know that thats not correct
  13. All lives taken on 911 mattered
  14. People on this board will defend politicians and a political party and condemn an entire race of people for acts of a few. Very sad!
  15. this election will go up and down like a rollercoaster untill the most crooked candidate wins
  16. tobie you just need to tune into am radio and drink the pub-aid.
  17. I am trying to find Mr Obama's angle with this providing affordable healthcare to uninsured americans thing. Why not improve it since its already in place. But i would be talking to people that refuse to even vote no on a supreme court justice and said they would block anything that obama tried to do from day one
  18. I just like most music, accept rap and heavy metal
  19. Frank Sinatra- Strangers in the night Nat King Cole- Unforgetable I guess these are considered classical. I like beethoven, but don't know song names
  20. Carlos Santana- Black magic women/Smooth/Maria Maria
  21. members of both party's have overstayed their welcome in congress
  22. when do you admit anything about your beloved party affiliation
  23. 3 ring circus part 2. part 1 was last week
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