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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Doesn't matter who you vote for, time to change this do nothing congress [Hidden Content],_2016
  3. I agree, and hillary would have Bill for help if needed
  4. I'll take the 70's
  5. Like I said, Too many good rock songs and artist
  6. Marvin Gaye -Whats Going On(Still releveant today)
  7. Chicago 25- 6- 4 Peter Frampton- Show Me The Way/Baby i Love Your Way Too many good rock songs to list
  8. Back in Black--A/C D/C
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. Dirty cops have been mistreating blacks for 100 years, it doesn't have to be the black thug either, it could be the well educated working black male that takes care of his family and respects the law. I have been pulled over and many times and showed repsect to the officer and got disrespected. I am afraid for my sons around bad people in the world today and afraid that if they make the wrong move around some of these crooked cops they may be in harms way also. Prime example. what's yall's excuse for this one?
  11. Did you hear someone blame the cop. You guys talk about blm(which I don't care for anyhow) and act as though whites, republicans and the justice system have never done anything wrong
  12. as much as i dislike Ted Cruz, i respect the fact that he stood his ground at the convention. can also add all three Bushes to that list
  13. because its no fun, don't want to blame radical americans
  14. Nothing happening now that hasn't happened before [Hidden Content] would you guys complain about something like this..NO BLM is a minority of a minority
  15. Hillary Clinton was'nt found guilty of a crime either! Right!
  16. How many black cops are killing anyone
  17. shooting of the two black men was justified according to members of this board
  18. racism has nothing to do with policies, its treating another respectable adult like a second class citezen
  19. thats riduculous. After the James Byrd dragging, i heard people try to blame him for it
  20. I guess because of all the black on black crime we should ignore the white on black crime.......
  21. The cop is always right no matter what, they take an oath to be honest and truthful. No one would where the badge and be dishonest.
  22. I understand it as the reason behind more gun violence this year. Open carry crap on the news everyday, but if your black you better not open carry around cops.Politicians using I won't take your guns are obama and hillary will take your guns. The NRA receiving record memebership and memebership FEES, The Nra promoting gun sales, gun sales out the roof with this .......in the white house. Record profits for ammo makers. A lot of attention brought to guns and when the mentally ill whites and thug blacks see this they get there rifles and .........whatever
  23. I also like the Al Green version. A variety of country and r&b songs go both ways and I tend to like both versions.
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