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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. Wasn't prepared to see Hannity's face, scared the crap out of me
  2. That was wrong, although it happened to my grandpa all the time in 1937. Let's make America great again
  3. Why didn't you use Donald trump for an example
  4. and now she loves obama. smh
  5. Another thing, Trump does a lot of suing himself and threatens to sue folks all the time
  6. Kinda like the right and the Obama is a muslim?
  7. Warren Buffett or Bill gates never had to go bankrupt
  8. Republican presidential candidates said the same [Hidden Content]
  9. don't tell anyone but I do believe that our politicians are working for some rich folk
  10. Trump spends lots of time in court with the lawsuits for and against him and when he can no longer pay his bills and files for bankrupcy
  11. Trump probably has a few skeletons in his supersize closet
  12. I'm afraid of what era of the past that he would like to return to
  13. If Hillary would have started two wars...
  14. Im not for banning regular guns, just hoping the lawmakers find a way to not sell assault rifles to anyone with a permit. Don't really know what the solution is but we elected a group of folks to figure this out for us.
  15. Sandra Bland is dead, where did the facts come from, the good ole cops are was her cell being video taped
  16. Im for punishing blacks that commit crimes, I don't want to punish all blacks though because some blacks commit crimes, if we get rid of all thugs the cowboys wouldn't have a team
  17. Trump is asking the judge that he just slammed to withhold videos from the trump university case, how pathetic
  18. the black panthers don't claim to be christians, if they did I would say something about them to
  19. I have already made that point
  20. The Texas cops arrested sandra bland for a traffic violation, locked her up and hung her. No comapassion there either
  21. no, but we have had white and black terrorist, what should we do about them
  22. I stated in an earlier post that white and black people kill everyday
  23. What's Hannity telling you
  24. No, its just thats the only one you believe
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