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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. He had one of his staffers call rick scott, he's probably busy golfing
  2. The kkk thinks of themselves as christian also
  3. I haven't even thought of Rick Scott myself. My sympathy is with the victims and their families
  4. only if hannity is speaking
  5. where's the latest fox news poll now
  6. Crooked Hillary and Trashy Trump
  7. Most of the time you guys act like christianity is a party issue
  8. They also want to give tax breaks to the rich(their version of free stuff)
  9. If Hillary were to end the republican party is done
  10. Like Oklahoma City, Im afraid of some of these southeast texans that own Ar-15's
  11. If President Obama would have went bankrupt 4 times, you guys would be all over that storyline
  12. its dishonest to borrow money and not pay it back. Ive never done that. if i borrow one dollar I pay it back
  13. If he wins 3 playoff games in 20 years he will beat romo
  14. Big Girl doesn't have all that time for you Nash
  15. I went to one of Bills speaking events, there was no fighting. no name calling, very good event unlike the trash put out by the republican nominee's mouth. When trump speaks jerry springer comes to mind. Trump is lucky that he's not running against Bill Clinton. Bill has forgot more about politics than trump knows and has never went bankrupt.(not wanting to pay back money that he borrowed, how dishonest is that)
  16. Maybe we should let people carry guns as they please, church, elementary schools, bars, no age limit either. Forget about global warming and trust Exxon Mobil, motiva, dupont ect. stop inspecting food and planes.
  17. Its not amazing, they were white democrats. Besides before Obama blacks have always voted white
  18. Obama didn't refer to roof as a racist either!
  19. I am still amazed when I think about the cops stopping to buy Dylan Roof some burger king because he was nice and polite after killing 9 people.
  20. Let's not let our guard down and think that people like the dylan roofs of the world and the school school shootings won't happen again. Shootings can happen because of hate also by americans, blacks and whites shoot people everday just usually dont shoot many people at one time. And the radical Islamic folk like that name..why not come up with a name for them that they don't like. Every time a shooting happens people wait to see the nationality so they can know how to approach it. Was it terrism, was it mental illness, was it hate, was it rasicm........
  21. Republicans need to fight harder to allow open carry at the roc next month
  22. Just thought from previous quotes that you lived there
  23. Is it raining in dewyville?
  24. I was just defending bill. Because trump did the same thing, but bill didn't get divorced
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