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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. Fox news only has high ratings because republicans watch more news on fox, it helps them feel better after losing two elections
  2. you spend some time on this board
  3. thats just what Klannity lead you to believe, that made you feel better after losing two elections
  4. I read what you think, I have 350 post and you have almost 17,000
  5. no, just the poorly educated
  6. How did you feel after the 2012 election
  7. your a republican and talking about hypocrisy!!!!!!
  8. all white people are not racist. the majority of obama's votes came from educated white people
  9. Obama doesn't have time for Fox news, he is busy running the country, he lives in the white house
  10. McCain Lost, Romney Lost, Obama Won 2 times. He didn't steal elections, he won
  11. Fox news is trash. Jerry Springer of news
  12. don't give a crap what biden thinks, their job is to vote, they didn't have to vote garland in, but their job is to vote. They are incompetent. Did I spell incompetent right
  13. you think all dems are trash and i think some republicans are trash and some dems. And I don't throw all wefare recipients in the same category as freeloaders. I believe there are good dems and believe that some cops are bad
  14. Why did't Newt run for prez this year, the opposition statement on a supreme court justice this year, we will not consider anyone that obama puts foward, we will not even have a vote, is that working with the opposition.Merrick Garland
  15. thats your perrogative, but not mine
  16. I would have to list to many things, maybe you don't understand racist remarks because......
  17. That will change in November because they have nothing to show for two years of leadership, and if trump keeps on talking republicans could lose the presidency, senate, house, and the right to choose a supreme court justice, they can't win on just the white male vote anymore
  18. everyone knows fox is a crazy news channel its no secret. Fox is right tere with msnbc, you just want admit it. no better. Glenn Beck, Carl Rove, Hannity, Oreilly..Trash Tv
  19. you guys just took two beatdowns and could take another in november
  20. he had just as many working people voting for him as Romney did......well I guess he had more because he won. He won in 2008 and won in 2012....whipped the republican establishment not once but twice. Talking about free stuff makes you guys feel better. But he kicked.....twice
  21. If Dangerous Donald gets to be president we have'nt seen nothing yet
  22. [Hidden Content] here's one
  23. where did you hear this
  24. Trump has top memebers of his own party that are against him and condeming some of the things he says, Your last presidental candidate Romney is totally against trump. He needs a teleprompter now to try and tone him down.smdh
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