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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. You have a problem with Katie Kouric and no problem with Sarah Palin
  2. Good or bad obamacare was meant to help the american people. Maybe instead of obamacare we needed to create another agency to keep the insurance company's, medical institutions and docters in check. like i said before if the republicans had done anything about the problems with the medical system there would be no affordable care act. Look at what the insurance agencys have done with homeowners, some people have had state farm for 30 yrs, state farm had to [ay for a few hurricanes, then dropped those risky clients. thats the reason that we have referees at sports events, if we didn't someone would cheat and get out of hand.
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. If Trump wins unemployment will drop to 0 when he cranks up the old war machine
  5. fact is Bush screwed up so bad that it allowed Obama to come in and win two elections, Bush Sr couldn't even win a second one, Bush Jr wouldn't have won a first one had him and Jeb not stole florida. Gore won the popular vote and lost the election hmmmm
  6. If we start judging candidates by wealth, one of the koch brothers should run [Hidden Content]
  7. Are you talking about the two term president of the united states with the 52% approval rating(that's more than half) Bush's was 22% when he left office if you were wondering, Jimmy carter was slightly higher than Bush at 34%, Bill Clinton was 66%(Monica and all)
  8. 4th quarter down by two touchdowns, do you put the experience qb in Tom Brady or the rookie.........oh I see, if Romo was the experienced qb your better off with the rookie with no experience
  9. what a joke!!!!!!!!!!
  10. what a joke!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Obama released 157 prisoners and bush released 500
  12. Stevenash and 77 for starters
  13. Obamacare probably caused the republicans to be able to elect the cream of the republican crop, The Donald. If only he could pick Sarah as his vp, it would seal the deal.
  14. [Hidden Content] Its a fact sheet
  15. I have voted for whites all of my life, before 2008 i have never voted for a black for nothing. i don't care for racist white or black people and i don't agree with every democrat like some on this board agree with every republican. I wouldnt have voted for jessie jackson for mayor of port Arthur.
  16. Hillary will never have racist comments about her like the Obama's, she will never be compared to animals like Mrs. obama. The Clintons will never be treated like the obama's no matter what they do. Obama is mixed, but whites never will claim anyone that is mixed(whites 50 and above) these young folks don't give a ......
  17. Im proud that my roots are nappy
  18. So you admit that you are
  19. To much Sean Klannity for you
  20. Trump believes that a judge couldn't be fair because of his race. If Obama would have acted like trump...He wouldn't be prez...The fool trump had 5 be put on teleprompter. He has made fun of a handicap reporter even..childish..but he represents his true base
  21. They have always been...and people like you don't give a .....so why even act like it. In fact you putting yo in front of any black man's name tells me that you don't care for black people. You probably wouldn't do it in person though.
  22. On this southern texas board. You do know that trump is a new yorker..
  23. It will get interesting in the debates when trump is asked to explain himself. Remember Megan kelly
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