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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. In what other situation does the person with the most votes lose.
  2. They should start listening to good honest christians like Rush and Hannity, Oreilly......
  3. Companies like the one in port arthur with the smoldering pellets , love Trump. As long as they're providing jobs a little pollution doesn't hurt anyone . MD Anderson better hire more help. Grab um is a psychopath and a idiot .
  4. [Hidden Content] BIG government got BIGGER between 2000 and 2008
  5. your adults were in charge from 2000 to 2008, did government get smaller. and i think bush was a much better president than trump ever will be
  6. kinda like the current president, he hammered on Obama's birth certificate for a long time with no facts, just flapping his jaws. I heard Trump is starting a new department. The Department of making shit up, klannity will head up this department.
  7. I'm not concerned with the LSU tiger. Not even concerned with those Cowboys in Dallas even though I don't like them.
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content] Going to see more of this with the current political environment
  10. Any negative news against the current president!
  11. Draining the dirty oil in a engine is great as long as you replace it with clean oil.
  12. Can't remember what rude disrespectful thing that Trump said about the Pope last year.
  13. We will accept 2018 and 2020 also. Although many didn't want to accept 2008 and 2012. The people overwhelmingly wanted Obama in 2008 and 2012 I guess
  14. I give , I don't and never have collected anything from the government.
  15. Never said I wanted to increase government side, maybe we need to put a limit on Grab um personnal spending. mainly all of these golf trips. Maybe the wall money can be spent on drinking water and roads.
  16. [Hidden Content] One sorry POS
  17. Im not blaming the Russians< I just say that the person with the most votes from the people should win. Demi have never won by just the electoral college only. hmmm.
  18. I would be embossed if anyone in my family acted like the current president. My kids would have gotten an are whipping.
  19. The federal government has been and will be doing this for a long time. This didn't start in 2008 and won't end in 2017!
  20. I guess I was around a better class of people.
  21. If he serves two terms we shall see. Or if he can finish one term.
  22. I never talked like that in the locker room or no where else. That's for people that can't get the real thing. Grab um eventually was able to start buying.
  23. you are just the opposite, everything your man does is ok
  24. There are a few things that orange Bas@#$D needs to apologize for
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