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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. The Chicago killings are idiots with guns. Just like the tray von killing..an idiot with a gun..I would have taken his gun though and pistol whipped him
  2. Jobs...jobs....jobs...The country was doing well
  3. I don't really care for Hillary either, Now if Bill could run again I would go vote. Don't really care about the Monica thing, most married men would have handled that the same way.
  4. the dems have intelligent and low information voters, republican voters whether intelligent are low information politically they all think the same, no one was really pulling for trump until he won. It was Cruz..Cruz....Cruz...Rubio....
  5. If Obama was making some of the statements that trump has made the hypocrites would be all over it
  6. Your own party is afraid of this idiot
  7. he will wreck the economy and send young men to war
  8. the unemployment rate is much better, i don't know of any black family thats doing worse. The chances of getting job around here for someone that wants one is much better now than in 2008
  9. at least you can tell the difference on democrat voters
  10. what successful business man goes bankrupt 4 times, and drumpf is the one wanting another judge.....crying racism, you know damn well that he ripped off those students at trump university. he has cheated on his ex wives.....you think that he will be honest with the american people, his daddy left him a busload of money and he has to go bankrupt
  11. probably will be some low information republican voters out there
  12. He must have and he succeeded, can donald drumpf do the same
  13. Its all over the news how republican leaders are scared of dangerous donald, why even charles koch is holding back the purse strings
  14. Just google republican senator mark kirk, paul ryan, and many other republicans distancing themselves from trumps racist comments and pick whatever news source you like. its a fact, it may even be on fox news, but not the sean klannity section.
  15. I would have taken Zimermans gun and shoved it ..........before i let a wimp like zimmerman whip me......zimmerman was lucky he chose a kid
  16. Im not promoting hillary and you think trump is the best thing since sliced bread. we both know that you are not concerned with chicago are the death of any black folk. you are probably more concerned with the death of the gorrilla than anyone in chicago. Beside Hillar hasn't made any racist rants.
  17. [Hidden Content] Steve why are you only concerned with chicago and not new jersey are any other place, the president is from hawaii.People are upset about trump and his racist rhetoric, but he is only catering to the republican base of hate/christianity. Even the KKK claims to be a christian group.
  18. The people in this country used to enslave people, rape the wives, mothers and daughter of the slaves and kill slave in a manner similiar to the muslim folk that they talk about today.
  19. They were demanding refunds from trump university
  20. AM talk radio will brainwash you everytime
  21. So, why is hannity still around
  22. To much Sean Klannity for you
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