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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. All true staement about the Bushes and the hannity endorsement.TRUE
  2. If Trump is elected i hope that i am better off in 2020 when he is ousted, he couldn't handle his own finances without a bailout, he cheated on his spouses(will he cheat on the american people). he won't show his taxes
  3. Hat's off to the Bushes for not endorsing the clown that talked so badly about their family(he would probably praise the Bush's if they would endorse him) Trump will say anything even if it contridicts a previous statement. He's got the Hannity endorsement though.
  4. Trump is very good at gauging his audience in order to tell them exactly what they want to hear
  5. you can't handle the truth
  6. The equal rights laws started years ago, to allow blacks to use the restroom and other facilities
  7. Obviously they have been doing this, transgender didn't just start....we just started making an issue of it. I think that we have problems with non transgender people also....read the news
  8. Most legal hispanic are some of the hardest working people in Texas, the illegals work pretty hard also(for conservatives that complain about them being here)
  9. Only talking about the tax paying hispanic and muslims that were probably protesting Drumpf the flip flopping liar
  10. We do have a congress that is controlled by conservatives......thats right they are just in office for the free stuff, they do nothing, thats why their rating is so low
  11. The healthcare industry doesn't need free reign on the american people, just because they donate to conservative politicians
  12. Obama was sinking in the polls in 2012 also, Mitt didn"t even write a concession speech
  13. Ted Cruz will never be President, he couldn't even beat Donald Drumpf
  14. Can't wait till Hispanics take over the majority in texas..........will make texas great again
  15. Guns will NEVER be taken away, just a tool for talk radio and Hannity to keep getting paid
  16. see Dick Cheney(Haliburton), can't blame Bush, he could't never match the con artist skills of Dick
  17. Americans don't seem to understand the word christians either, they think thats its a label that they can bestow upon themselves without acting like one, you cannot hate people and be christian
  18. Its ok to have an opinion on things, but facts don't seem to matter
  19. Romney doesn't even support Mr. Trump, neither does the Bushes.....Wow
  20. I took a guys gun before and pistol whipped him with it, removed the ammo and gave it back
  21. protesting is not new in this country, your ancestors protested when 5 little black girls wanted to go to elementary school amongst their kids
  22. Despite what hannity teaches you, all hispanics are not here illegally and all muslims do not blow things up
  23. Donald Trump has flip flopped his positions more than john kerry did, and I am sure that there is nothing to hide on his taxes.
  24. No open carry at the houston zoo!
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