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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. As bad as the last four years of the Bush presidency was, i would take him over Trump and Hillary, not over Bill though. With Trump and Hill it would probably be worse, the only diffrence with trump is we can probably add another costly war.
  2. Tumps protest are started by his mouth, no one needs to fund them, hispanics and muslims are upset with him
  3. You implied that John wayne was a tough guy, Pee Wee Herman would be a tough guy with a Gun in his hand.
  4. I can remember the end of the last republican presidential tenure, when many companies were on the brink of bankruptcy and were not hiring anyone
  5. Proud of the Bush family for saving their integrity and refusing to support Trump!
  6. Republicans probably would fare better if they offered a solution to obamacare that helped the working class with the rising cost of healthcare and cost of health insurance. Oh thats right, they don't give a d....m about helping the working class, they only want to help the corporations and the doctors and hospitals.
  7. I open carry!!!
  8. You are the man!
  9. freakin hillarious
  10. John Wayne was an actor, would have taken an a....whoopin in the hood!
  11. what about the cost of useless wars? Do they lie about that also
  12. When the hispanics take over as the majority in the great state of Texas, very soon they will decide
  13. Hannity, Oreilly, Rush, Sharpton, Maddow, Fox News, Msnbc, all the same with diffrent agendas, all using the american people that can't or don't want to think for themselves to make money and to guide people in the direction that their wealthy employers want them to
  14. Like i said before.... blacks were not allowed to drink water from the same water fountain as whites, had to eat in the back of the restaurant and enter from the back door(but could cook in the kitchen, how stupid was that) could not use the same restroom, had to sit in the balcony at movies, couldn't attend the same school, had to ride at the back of the bus, couldn't live in the same neigborhood, whites had worse fears of blacks being near their families than they do of transgenders, they are only worried about transgenders in the bathroom. was worried about blacks in every aspect of life other than doing their chores for FREE STUFF.( I mean for free). Some god conservative christians would like to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and bring back some of the good conservative values that I just mentioned.
  15. Obama has't got enough time left to take your guns!!!! If trump becomes president guns sales will drop dramatically, NRA probably wants hillary to win ........Hillary is coming for your guns folks
  16. [Hidden Content] keep letting people like Trump offend hispanics, they will represent two of the largest delegate states, Texas and California
  17. The republican party has become the part of hate and anger and its leaders use fear tactics and lies to further their agenda
  18. The NRA just wants to sell more guns and bullets to the foolish
  19. Trump cheated on his wives, bankrupt his finances twice and runs a casino........
  20. She is married to President William Jefferson Clinton
  21. Replace the name trump with obama and you would have no problem with the article
  22. the right thing to do is vote, but I"m finding it hard to do this year
  23. I wouldn't bad mouth someone one month and sing their praises next month like some of these republican politicians(see little marco) and soon to be bernie
  24. Middle class republicans vote for candidates that hate minorities, they could care less about the candidate doing anything to better their lives!
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