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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. The Donald has just been handed the title to the republican party, maybe the presidency
  2. the end
  3. Ted, Donald, Hillary and Bernie, really is a joke to me. The republicans found someone worse than Cruz(Trump)and worse than Trump(Cruz) same goes for Hill and the Bern. At least Kasich operates in a fairly respectable manner, and he's at the bottom.
  4. Dont like Hillary either, just don't dislike her as much as Cruz. Would rather Bill than Hillary
  5. Need to add Dick and George and themselves to the picture
  6. Cruz is the grand wizard
  7. The republicans running in this years election make george bush look pretty d.... good
  8. I would'nt want to eat a cake that someone was forced to make!
  9. i have been using this concept with my kids for years, no one lives at my house for free. I have the chores for food and earn your spending money concept
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Too much hannity...
  12. Satan believers upset about being compared to ted cruz....lying ted and Alice the goon
  13. I see wrong in the democratic party and the republican party, this board only sees wrong in the democratic party, no mention of the cray s....t in the republican primary, just clinton and obama everyday.....
  14. Being a pedophile ia criminal, being gay is not.....no matter what Rush says
  15. Some ofTed Cruz's college classmates are horrified that he could become the republican nominee
  16. John Boehner compares Cruz to Lucifer, said that Cruz is one miserable s..........
  17. Carly Fiorina(aka Alice the goon) is a joke. Did Ted injure his head
  18. Just when you think Cruz was doing bad, he picks Carly for vp....smh
  19. Trump should offer Cruz a position when he wins the primary.......Butler, bathroom attendant, limousine driver ect.
  20. Clinton would fair better against Ted than she would against the Donald.
  21. Teddy can't win by votes from the people, he can only try to steal an election. The Republican majority says NO TED.
  22. You do know that ted has lost louisiana, mississippi, alabama, florida and tennessee
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