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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. Cruz can only lawyer his way to victory. No way can he achieve the most votes. Not enough conservative states I guess!
  2. Mr Cruz has taken a whooping tonight. Even Kasick has beat him in a couple of contest.
  3. Ted, Donald, Hillary, Bernie.........Is this the best we have to offer
  4. Kascich seems like a good guy but votes are just not there. Still believe that the person with the most votes should win.
  5. Ted doesn't think so!
  6. Should lying Ted drop out after next tuesday's votes?
  7. Smitty how do you find these web sites.
  8. Most republicans I know don't think that anyone in their party does anything wrong. most dems I know don't trust either party
  9. Does anyone on this board have a problem with congress. Im sure all of the democrats in congress are useless and all of the republicans are fighting for the american people. I believe that congress as a whole has done a poor job for many years. Their are no term limits, after 8yrs they receive pay and insurance for life. It's really simple in politics, for every lying cheating democrat there is a lying cheating republican. The dems want free stuff for the poor and the pubs want free stuff for the rich. the dems have elite that want to control government and so do the pubs. There are no honest men or women running for president folks. Talk radio and news channels work to sway the minds of folks that fail to think for themselves.
  10. Even Hannity is sick of lying Ted
  11. They found a new species of snake in Texas-Ted Cruz
  12. We need good conservative values like Hannity, Oreilly, Rush, good ole Ann Coulter and Rev. Lying, cheating Ted.
  13. Republican Peter King [R-NY} said that he would take cyanide if Cruz wins the nomination. I think Cruz should pick Sarah as his running mate. Comedians would come out of retirement
  14. No talk about the foolishness of Ted, Donald and the Rnc on this board. I guess no one has a problem with all this foolishness, what has obama done today? smh
  15. Some people on this board that claim to be christians but spew hatred towards others, is this what a christian would do?
  16. You can't find me promoting crooked Hillary on this board, you guys try and make lying Ted a savior though, holds a bible in one hand with his fingers crossed behind his back and lies. Much worse than any republican politician except Sarah the Dummy Palin.
  17. Grover Norquist is where you get your information..........
  18. Cruz trying to take the primarys from Trump by any means neccessary. ted is a dirty trickster that will lie, cheat and steal to get what he wants, we need keep this piece of crap in Texas.
  19. will never happen. too much am radio
  20. lets listen to Carl Rove and Rush instead
  21. A Trump presidency may be scary, but a Ted cruz presidency would be a freakin nightmare. ted can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Trump 2016!!!!
  22. Trump 2016!!!!!!
  23. When republicans held the office for 8 yrs what company brought jobs back to the united states. I work for a reputable company, have a six figure salary. My company has been taking from the working man long before Obama and obamacare and has been shipping jobs overseas long before obama and obamacare.
  24. the problem is some don't think there is a problem
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