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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. My spouse is a school teacher and her insurance is great. My insurance started going up 15 years ago. I guess maybe its stoll obama"s fault.
  2. the method of the dnc is also unfair. It was also unfair when Al Gore won the poular vote and lost the election because of the state where his opponents brother was governor. At least Obama didn't have to worry about none of these close contest, he whipped Hillary, Mcain and Romney fair and square. They could only talk about his birth certificate and the muslim brotherhood.
  3. Their are many everyday cases of racism that nothing ever gets said about. of all kinds. its ok to disagree with the president. But reading many articles over the past 7 yrs, no president has endured the rasicm that this president has. Donald Trump has made many racist remarks but i would not reciprocate. I complain on this board about rasicm because me and my family members do not tolerate it in any form. The only type of people that I have a problem with is a racist or a fake christian. A person cannot be a christian and a racist.(im against racism towards anyone)
  4. I dont believe that the voters that voted obama in are voting for trump. From the looks of it most of the trump voters come from the tea party. They are attracted to Sarah Palin also. I do believe that bernie has some of the obama voters.
  5. we agree on something
  6. Do you believe that racism even exist?
  7. No guns allowed at RNC. HIPOCRISY at its best.
  8. If you have a preexisting condition obamacare may work out just fine. You cannot be denied insurance, before you would just be turned down. Republicans like ted cruz can repeal obamacare if he were to win. but what will mr cruz do for us. Maybe he is more concerned about the pharmaceutical companies and medical facilities. The doctor shortage wasn't caused by obamacare only. lawyers helped that case, along with education cost and many other factors. Republicans cannot afford to lose another election, the demographics are constantly changing. When obama won in 2008 and 2012, the people celebrating on election night weren't just blacks, there were people of all races and ages. people need to separate politics from hate.Its one thing to not like someone like Ted Cruz, its another thing to call him a monkey from canada. That's the type comments you read on obama. Ted Cruz has a problem with the donald talking about his wife, but wouldnt have no problem if he were talking about president Obama's wife.
  9. Trump can beat clinton. But first he must beat the Republican leaders that dont want him to win the primary. The american people have made Trump the frontrunner, but it seems that the establishment doesn't care about the vote of the people.
  10. I just believe that if Trump has the most votes he should win.
  11. [Hidden Content] Obamacare might be part of the problem, but its not solely responsible. The republicans need to focus more on what they can do versus what they can repeal and then sit back and do nothing.
  12. [Hidden Content] What would the Kochs are any other petrochemical industry have done if the government hadn't pressured them to. The argument is jobs versus pollution. Most choose pollution. the kochs didn't become rich being environmentally friendly. They buy elections so that they can do as they please. Ask anyone that worked at texaco and gulf back in the day.
  13. The koch brothers have plenty of interesting reads against climate change. Im sure most of their industry is friendly to the environment . They spend lots of money on politicians to help the working class people.
  14. I agree with George W Bush on Ted Cruz. I just don't like the guy. The only politician I care less for is Sarah Palin.
  15. Could very well happen!
  16. Could very well happen!
  17. it is obvious that many trump supporters do not care for many groups of people(blacks, hispanic,muslim,gays,yankees ect) and I could write a whole book on the racism part. Republican leaders have even condemned a lot a trumps remarks and they don't care much for cruzhttp://republicansareracists.com/
  18. the people that voted obama in and the people following trump are two diffrent demograghics. im just saying that they need to come with more than just anti obama to win. i like a lot of the republican message, but hate the fact that they dont condemm alot of the racist and hateful rhethoric that comes out of the mouths of many high profile republican leaders and followers.
  19. Mccain was a decent candidate, had he not put palin on the ticket. probably would have done well with someone like Nickie Haley.
  20. Ok, i agree that obamacare was rammed through, now can you answer my question. I can say anything about Obama and his family and most on this board will wouldnt have a problem with it. But making comments about republicans would be trolling! Republicans would probably have more sucess if they would tell the american people what they plan to do about healthcare and medical cost versus running on repealing obamacare. I would like to see a solution to obamacare that would benefit working folk and not the pharmaseudical company's and corporate america. i guess you believe that americas medical situation is just fine the way it was. With all of the crazy crap from the republican debates and primary's, not much has been said on this board. the republicans have lost 2 elections in a row and free stuff isn't the only reason. Obamacare was signed into law in march 2010 and obama was re-elected in 2012. So even after Obamacare your candidate Mitt romney was so weak that obama still won the election?
  21. It wouldnt take much for people to believe this. Just like the ones that blamed bush for problems during katrina.
  22. Obamas presidency is basically over. He doesn't have time to turn america into a socialist country. He doesn't have time to take away your guns. Time to start worrying about the hill and the donald. And heaven help us, the cruz.
  23. Trump versus Clinton, is hurting for candidates or what. Every candidate for president republican and democrat is flawed in some way, except kasich and he is in last place.
  24. All 5 presidential candidates probably can be caught in lies, all of them are telling their constituents what they want to hear. Does it matter if one of them tells a few less lies than the other. Is it possible for a politition to tell no lies? I guess they can please some people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
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