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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. The Clintons are not worried, they know their buddy Trump has their back. Look at the great man of honesty, Mr Flynn now wants to plead the fifth.
  2. When someone is killed by the cops you guys say wait for the evidence and respect the court system. Hillary gets the same treatment right. Are we just gonna ass-ume that she murdered someone when we don't no the facts and she hasn't been brought to trial. The sitting president said that he wouldn't go after her, even though he promised he would when he was trying to get elected. After the election he said that she had already been through enough. How convenient.
  3. [Hidden Content] I am for helping the working poor and the elderly whom have worked all of their lives and can't afford to live. Not many folks are out to help people that can and should be working (despite what Rush tries to lead us to believe). Many that voted for Trump were so worried about erasing Obama that they didn't realize that Paul Ryan and his friends with tales would be cutting their food stamps, medicare, health care and social security. Whether it be the Republican or Democratic rich that control government we need to start trying to effect their money. Ive been working since I was 12. Live pretty well and don't mind helping people that deserve it. Even when that person on the street ask for help, i try to figure out who is sincere. I usually count the ones that have cigarettes out. Race doesn't matter. Geographic location doesn't matter either. The man above ultimately controls this world.
  4. I didn't say they preferred Hillary, just didn't want grab um by the ........The great Bush family didn't want grab um . bring back the good ole days of George Bush. Trump, his money can go back to New York.
  5. I must go, Im not running from your little post........just have a life to live.
  6. Haven't seen nobody in my circle organize such a rally. This presidency is a joke. The comedians are getting rich of of this clown.
  7. Republican leaders are still complaining about the con man you guys put in office.
  8. Trumps daddy gave him money. And he will surely earn way more stealing from the American people
  9. I only wish that I could actually hear the laughter instead of being on this computer. [Hidden Content] examples from hateful republicans every. This audience at the statue removel .......mainly whites that celebrated the removal of the loser Robert Lee statue.
  10. Trump is only trying to set the Trump family up for more money. Ivan went with him to Saudi to get her 100M donated to her fund, but her hypocrite dad complained when the Clinton foundation did the same. Biggest group of crooks and cons in history!
  11. [Hidden Content] This is the same way that some felt about Obama moving into the white house. Cowards didn't want four little girls to go to school. Surprised Alabama didn't have a flag to celebrate this. Killing four little girls with dynamite. This is the type of environment that our current president and his cabinet is trying to bring back.
  12. I wanted to see people not cartoons, and not BLM because i didn't show KKK.
  13. Fox news and Roger Ailes created the type of environment that caused the firings and departures from the news channel
  14. Republicans blocked more stuff than people think, example: [Hidden Content] Promises not kept , all presidents have those. Trump talked about Ted Cruz's wife and father for example and the only thing Ted did about it was bend over.
  15. lets see some nasty protest signs with blacks protesting against bush or Trump!
  16. Yeah but he has tweeted and said many things that are more childish than presidential
  17. The problem is the things trump has said as a presidential candidate and as president. So very unprofessional for someone representing this country.
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. Republican congressman have compaired his wife to a gorrilla and him to a monkey. [Hidden Content] Hang man's nuces at republican rallys. N-word on signs when republicans gather. Too many hateful things to name.
  20. Don't understand why the republicans think they are the party of christianity when they do many unchristian like things. especialy the current President. Having Jeff Sessions and Steve Bannon in the cabinet is one example.
  21. He is definitely a republican and the tol republican in the country
  22. Disrespectful arse man there!
  23. locker room talk. excuses and lies.
  24. He has'nt did it yet. Neither me nor my brothers haven't either and they are in their 60's.
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