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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. I admit that i may have went to far adding the liquor part
  2. nappyroots


    Is it right for republican leaders to try and block the person with the most delegates from the republican nomination. Are they concerned with the vote of the people, are just their own agendas. if trump has the most delegates shouldn't he be the winner?
  3. The pubs only have 2 stooges now. Lying Ted and Crazy Donald
  4. Sure weapons should be allowed and they should serve lots of liquor also
  5. Romney was a good business man, he was good at taking over companys and helping himself and his other rich cronies make lots of money. while the working folks suffered job losses. Romney was a con man.
  6. Happy Easter everyone.
  7. forgot about the money factor
  8. Maybe he needs to become trumps vp so he can use this team. He can probably read to them for 24hr and bore them to death.
  9. I don't believe that any women other than ted's wife would have an affair with ted.
  10. If you were an informed voter, and wanted a republican winner you would vote Trump. At least i can admit either way were doomed.
  11. We need to throw away the left and the right and form a new party....the middle
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. By the way Nash, who took away your right to carry at the setx state fair.
  15. Obama has less than nine months left in office. you should be able to relax on your gun laws. in 2017 5yr olds may be free to carry guns, who knows. But obama doesn't have time to threaten gun rights or take them all away.
  16. he only won two terms because of his predecessor. pubs could do the same if they could manage to find a decent candidate for a change and stop nominating the for right candidate that hates so many different people
  17. Yobammy to ex us senator two term president getting paid by the united states government for the rest of his life
  18. Bamatex calls it like it is, even if its his own party that he must call out. Im not voting for Hillary or Bernie, but I wouldn't vote for Cruz or Trump either. Don't really have a problem with Kasich.
  19. Cruz control is on, but a dead end is near.
  20. Great post Bamatex
  21. I agree with you on the dems not budging an inch. Also the pubs would be doing just like obama and picking a nominee. Neither party does the right thing all of time and they are more worried about themselves than the people that elected them, most of them only cater to the people at election time
  22. Trump is pandering to tea party lowlifes, Cruz pretends to be a christian but is bought and paid for like a cheap prostitute and rubio has proved to be a nobody. Sanders is out in space and Hillary is living of the good old Clinton years, she hasn't lied no more than gw and dick. She also needs to fact check her info before opening her mouth. Maybe she needs some good old republican scare tactics, like Bernie is gonna go door to door and take your guns.
  23. I wonder if the republicans held the presidency right now, would they be nominating a supreme court justice? answer-yes they certainly would!
  24. Does anyone on this board have a problem with congress. Im sure all of the democrats in congress are useless and all of the republicans are fighting for the american people. I believe that congress as a whole has done a poor job for many years. Their are no term limits, after 8yrs they receive pay and insurance for life. It's really simple in politics, for every lying cheating democrat there is a lying cheating republican. The dems want free stuff for the poor and the pubs want free stuff for the rich. the dems have elite that want to control government and so do the pubs. There are no honest men or women running for president folks. Talk radio and news channels work to sway the minds of folks that fail to think for themselves.
  25. As governor Reagan raised taxes seven of his eight years in office He signed into law the largest tax increase in history any state, till then, state spending nearly doubled. He tripled the federal budget deficit. Unemployment soared after the 1981 tax cuts. He grew the size of government, something the pubs are against. had to bail out social security, after he tried to privatize it. gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants. Illegally funneled weapons to Iran. Fought a proxy war with the soviet union by training, arming, equipping, funding islamic mujahidist fighters in Afghanistan. Reagan was not as great as people make him out to be!
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