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Everything posted by nappyroots

  1. He is not being investigated for just the lies that he has told. Trump didn't drop kick him after praising him for no reason right!
  2. The officer has been arrested. The facts must be in.
  3. Name calling just like your prez. I bet you agree witj the grab um comment.
  4. I have never even brought the name soros up, just have commented when you guys do so. And I will quote you whenever I please.
  5. Only because they don't say what you want to hear. Look at the Donald, had to buy a wife. He would look feminine without his hairpiece and shoulder fat.
  6. Your grasping dude! Trump just don't respect women. Been married three times and commented that he would sleep with his own daughter. Creepy mf in my book.
  7. Soros should be quiet and accept all the cash that republican policies will make him.
  8. I would never support President Obama saying that he could grab women by the p. He has two daughters, that alone would prevent him from saying something so asinine.
  9. Some women fear evil rich men.
  10. Im sure he won't need food stamps. Him and his wife are well educated and many high profile companies would add either to their board are management team. President Obama will be his title for the rest of his and our lives.
  11. I agree, had Trump grabbed my wife he would have been assaulted.
  12. [Hidden Content] At least Joe asked her to marry him Bill Oreilly!
  13. [Hidden Content] I like what Trump says he wants to do with pre-existing conditions, just gotta keep the likes of Paul Ryan and co. away from it.
  14. A police officers job is hard and very dangerous at times. They must make split second decisions at times. Hopefully for the policemen and the deceased this case is handled in a honest and professional manner.
  15. [Hidden Content] Was this necessary!
  16. Maybe Rudy should run for mayor of Chicago lol.
  17. Or maybe a sucking tour to Russia
  18. He praised Flynn two days before he fired him. Mr Flynn was a scapegoat. Changed the phrase in like Flynn.
  19. Once Trump was elected you guys drop kicked the Benghazi mess for the most part.
  20. In America we didn't crucify folks for hanging folks from trees when their only crime was wanting to be free. So take the Kapernick crap and stick it where the sun don't shine.
  21. This is a great place for us to voice opinions in private.
  22. They don't care. Chicago is a hot topic because of President Obamas affiliation.
  23. Wouldn't change a single thing. People were being murdered in Chicago before President Obama was born.
  24. Its late night with Seth Meyers. It says it on the bottom of the video and I watched it last night. Thats why I don't have 19000 post like someone else on this board
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