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Everything posted by Aces_Full

  1. Yeah, that's true. And he can always recruit some of those Central 9th Graders. ;D Joking DickieV don't take it personally.
  2. No the team DOES have heart. Problem is their leader (TMac) has none. He doens't have the killer instinct or competitive drive it takes to win when it counts. But I think it'll be a tough series. I think it goes 6 games with Utah advancing. Hope I'm wrong though.
  3. I agree with everything except the "knock down open shots" part. He's a career 40.1% from the field. That's not good. Besides his shooting though, he's everything you could ask from the PG position.
  4. Nederland??? Vidor??? Ewwwwww...DickieV is not gonna like that.
  5. You are related to Boutte also? Just thought you worked for him.
  6. Actually, Lamar HAD to step up and give Roc a pay raise, or else he would be gone right now. From what I heard, the new Marquette coach offered Roc the head asst. job and a big raise over what he was currently making at LU. So make that 2 jobs (the other at Memphis) that Roc has turned down to stay at Lamar for less money. Don't ever doubt Roc's loyalty to Lamar University. LU had the highest attendance in the conference this past year, and won a share of the conference title. So yeah, Roc deserves to be the highest paid in the conference. If anything, Billy T is probably a little jealous of what Roc has accomplished so quickly at Lamar (1st conference title in 24 yrs). So if Tubbs is just OK with the job Roc has done, then thats an understatement.
  7. DickieV what school did you end up choosing?
  8. DickieV did you really just try and put K State and Lamar on the same level? Getting a guy to go play at a Big XII school as opposed to the Southland is a really big difference. And No one was going to talk J'covan out of Texas. Good luck to him there. Hope he helps them a lot next season. I think Roc has done a tremendous job so far, and I trust he'll continue to succeed like he has done his entire career. There is just not enough local talent to turn Lamar into a perennial power. There may be a guy or two each year (or none some years) locally that can help LU, and thats about it. It's hard for a young kid to turn down Syracuse (Jackson), Texas (J'covan, BJ), Notre Dame (Sweet), and the likes. Where would you go if you had Texas, LSU, aTm, and Lamar offering you? Sure would be tough to turn down those 1st 3.
  9. Yeah Nash totally sucked with the Mavericks. : : :
  10. Included in that D1 talent is 2 players that went immediately from HS to the NBA. heck, Kenna Young was MVP of the Big SKY but couldn't get MVP of his own HS team. That's how much talent he's had. How many players from Ozen and Lincoln have played college ball at any level under Boutte's tenure? What would you say 50? Somewhere in that neighborhood? 2 more are currently playing oversees besides the 2 in the NBA. And I have no idea where McElroy is playing these days, but I'm sure it is somewhere. Your point is they should hire Boutte to boost AREA recruiting? heck Roc is from Port Acres, he is as area as it gets. What players have Lamar missed out on since Roc has been here from the area that could possibly help the team? One I can think of...JaCovan. That's it. Like I said earlier, Boutte does a very good job with the best talent in the area (and sometimes state), but that does not mean it translates to college.
  11. What does Boutte bring to the table to help Lamar University? Is it his innovative man to man offense? You know...where the guards stack up behind the posts, then pop out? Or his inovative zone offense, otherwise known as high/low? Maybe his stall ball will translate well to the college game. Look Boutte has had a ton of success at the high school level. As he should, because he has had a ton of super talent at the high school level. Do you really think he would have had the same success if he coached Nederland, Port-Neches, or Lumberton all those years? You think he takes any of those teams to state or regionals??? If so, you're nuts. He does a good job with out of this world talent. There are many area coaches that would have the same success (if not more) if they had the talent that Boutte has been blessed to coach over the years. Trust me, Lamar WILL NOT be calling Boutte begging for him to join the staff. Just won't happen. Roc will find a COLLEGE coach that he has previously worked with. I'm sure he will make the right decision. By no means is this post meaning to degrade Boutte. He has done a fine job over the years. He's just not the savior some of you make him out to be.
  12. What does Boutte bring to the table to help Lamar University? Is it his innovative man to man offense? You know...where the guards stack up behind the posts, then pop out? Or his inovative zone offense, otherwise known as high/low? Maybe his stall ball will translate well to the college game. Look Boutte has had a ton of success at the high school level. As he should, because he has had a ton of super talent at the high school level. Do you really think he would have had the same success if he coached Nederland, Port-Neches, or Lumberton all those years? You think he takes any of those teams to state or regionals??? If so, you're nuts. He does a good job with out of this world talent. There are many area coaches that would have the same success (if not more) if they had the talent that Boutte has been blessed to coach over the years. Trust me, Lamar WILL NOT be calling Boutte begging for him to join the staff. Just won't happen. Roc will find a COLLEGE coach that he has previously worked with. I'm sure he will make the right decision. By no means is this post meaning to degrade Boutte. He has done a fine job over the years. He's just not the savior some of you make him out to be.
  13. ESPN is a site. Post a link to an article I can read that states the NBA gave Dirk and Nash MVP awards because they are white, or something to that effect.
  14. And you forgot the undeniable talent of Rajon Rondo. One of the best PGs in the league according to DickV. And you forgot the better PG on that team Sam Cassell.
  15. Please post a link where this has been reported from a reputable news source.
  16. DickV, if you think he got the MVP award becuase of his skin color then say it. Don't beat around the bush. If you think all people in Lumberton are racist (and I think you do think like that) then come out and say it. Nash got the award based on his regular season merits, just like all the other winners. David Robinson got the award one year when it clearly should have went to Hakeem. But hey what you gonna do? That's life. There was no conspiracy against Olajuwon. That's just the way it turned out. Quit thinking everyone is out to get the black man. That's not the case.
  17. The Suns have the most talent in the league??? Ha ha, that's a good one. I'll take the Boston Celtics in that category.
  18. It's not all about the points. Thats why I included assists, FT%, FG%, and 3PT%. And Nash stacks up favorably in most categories. Would a GM take Nash now as he nears the end of his career over the 2 most talented young PGs in the league? Of course not. But when there is a list of best PGs ever based on their entire careers Nash is there and Williams or Paul is not. Maybe they will be there in the future, maybe not. Nash is already accomplished. And I guarantee you Deron Williams will not win one, much less two, league MVP awards in his career.
  19. List of NBA point guards who have won multiple league MVP awards. 1. Magic Johnson 2. Steve Nash That's it. And quit giving that lame excuse about no trophies. It takes more than just one person to win that. Hell, the Jazz had 2 all-time greats in Stockton and Malone and couldn't win one. Does that mean Karl Malone isn't one of the best PFs ever? Hell no. Is Robert Horry better than Magic Johnson because he has more rings? Hell no. That's a weak argument.
  20. Again, what about Nash is overrated?
  21. Dickie, you shouldn't make outrageous comments and not be ready to back them up. What part of Steve Nash is overrated, as you like to say? Deron Williams or esp. Chris Paul is alot better comparison to Nash than that goofy Rondo comment. Williams averages about 2 PPG more and 2 APG less while shooting a lower percentage from the field, 3 pt line, and free throw line. So while he is close to Nash, he still doesn't measure up. Although, I would agree that he is a better defender. Chris Paul is just sick. We'll probably agree on that. I just don't understand your Nash is overrated comments. He is one of the best PGs in NBA history and hate on him because of his skin color? That's weak.
  22. I mean look at his pitiful numbers for the 2007-08 season. PPG: 17.5 FG%: 51.3% FT%: 89.8% APG: 11.2 3PT%: 48.4 Nash leads the NBA in 3pt percentage, is second in assists per game, and is 6th in free throw percentage. All this while averaging 17 pts and shooting over 50% from the field. Now lets look at Rajon Rondo. PPG: 10.7 FG%: 48.9% FT%: 62.3% APG: 5.0 3PT%: 29.4% So in comparison to Nash, Rondo shoots a lower percentage from the field, averages less points, averages less than half the assists, shoots bad from the free throw line, and is woeful from behind the arc. However, there is one basketball guru (or elitist as he calls himself) on this messageboard who would take Rondo over the over-hyped Nash. DickV, I'll let you start the Nash chants: "Overrated!!!" clap clap clap.
  23. This can easily be settled. Just vote like me....McCAin!
  24. We can discuss what upcoming players from the Central and WB feeder schools will be transferring to Ozen Magnet next season.
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