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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. No, apparently a DC from Katy (or whoever the anti-Monte crowd wanted) would create Dodge and Duhon from whatever he is given. Because talent does not matter and there are no talent cycles apparently.
  2. Will you have a girls' division as well?
  3. Boys and Girls warm-up tournament in Nederland April 7-8 hosted by MC Flight. Younger ages will use Little Dribblers rules as warm-up or extra tournament. 3 game guarantee - $125 per team. Send private message or text for details. (409) 720-7625.
  4. I love football as much as the next guy, but anyone signing up their 6 or 7 year old for tackle football should have their head examined.
  5. Nederland's head coaching stipends are a fairly low in comparison to other districts. They have been like that for a while.
  6. Brian Spell as OC? Father and son coordinators. Pretty neat if it happens.
  7. Great hire. Monte will keep continuity in the program and not skip a beat while injecting a little new blood into all of the programs. I just hope that everyone that was this passionate about (gasp) potentially having a basketball coach as AD will be just as vocal and supportive about pushing for a proper bond issue that will upgrade all facilities (schools and athletic) in the near future.
  8. Thank God you're staying!
  9. Changing classifications? I don't think that is how that works. Transferring high schools for athletic purposes is not like leaving a D1 university to go play at a D3 school.
  10. Are there any programs or teams forming for current 4th or 5th grade girls? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  11. And, I guess your comprehension skills were lacking in the first paragraph where I said the board and supt will not split the hires like you fear so much. They are not going to allow that to happen. The paragraphs after that were not necessarily directed at you.
  12. You do realize that they are not going to fill one without filling the other? No way they announce that and get the board to vote unless they have coordinated with the person or people that they are going to hire. Plus, it is not going to be the end of Western civilization if the AD and HC is split. Some of these people predicting the demise of the program and the entire community if this happens is utterly mind numbing. Monte has no one to blame for this but himself if he is not AD and HC come Monday. He has had years to get his Masters Degree and if he had, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. (And I happen to think that Monte will be a very good HC if he gets the job.) To say that Brian English would destroy the football program if he was to be named AD is ridiculous and borderline offensive. Applying that logic, I would assume that all head football coaches that are also AD's are out to destroy all other programs.
  13. Do you have registration information for this tournament?
  14. Does anyone have info on Simmons? I thought someone said he was a Nederland graduate. What year? Playing history and coaching background? Just curious.
  15. I'm saying that it isn't going to be the death of Nederland Bulldog football if the HC is not the AD.
  16. What an idiotic comment. I agree that Barrow should be HC, but Brian English is more than qualified to be AD. If Monte Bartow is not named HC / AD, he will have no one to blame but himself for not getting his masters degree and putting himself in position to be Neumann's replacement knowing that he had the inside track. My God, I hope that they split the jobs just to be able to see the wailing and gnashing of teeth by some of you. Because I feel quite confident that Barrow and English would have far less problem with it than some of you gurus.
  17. I am looking for games for a third / fourth grade girls team from Nederland Little Dribblers. We are playing with the HJ league now, but need games starting with the weekend of February 11. Willing to travel and play anytime. Please let me know if any leagues / tournaments / teams are available to play. Any information on upcoming tournaments would also be greatly appreciated.
  18. With the language in the posting, and timing, I think it is probably safe to assume that Monte Barrow will get the job. They will probably hire him and give two to three years to get his masters degree since it says ability to obtain. Rest easy Bulldog fans, you probably won't have the apocalyptic scenario of (gasp) a basketball coach becoming athletic director and the dismantling of the football program as some of you seem to believe.
  19. You are incredibly stupid and one note, aren't you?
  20. It was actually damaged at last year's spring game when a set of pads and helmet were dropped on it.
  21. Do you think that every team that does not do spring practice with pads does not do drills and work on offense and defense in the spring? That is all it is. End of story. The 'spring game' that you are obsessed about is just a touch football game that the coaches use as a capper to the end of school and the offseason. No pads used in the game or any part of the spring. No after school practices. I have criticized Neumann for the ineligible player, but there is no violation with the nefarious 'spring game.'
  22. There are no dumb questions. Just dumb people who ask questions.
  23. I really wish you know how stupid you sound when you continue to bang the drum about Nederland's "spring game." If you want to try to convince yourself that a glorified touch football game that is used to cap off the offseason is the reason Toby Foreman gets out coached and Central last to Nederland the last couple years, please continue to do so.
  24. Nederland played hard all season with all of the adversity and injuries that they dealt with. I hate it for the players that they are not going to be in the playoffs this season. With that said, a certain unnamed head coach who failed to properly document a transfer and played an ineligible player against a team that we could have beat with our JV quarterback definitely deserved to be edged out of the playoffs by one point. No, I do not think it was intentional cheating, but it was still careless and inexcusable given his experience and salary. I really hope that he apologizes individually to all of the players (and especially the seniors) because they played well enough to be playing next week and they will be sitting at home because of a 'mistake' by their head coach. If a teacher or administrator in NISD made such a public mistake, they would be run out of town in record time.
  25. Respectfully, I think your post misses the ultimate point. It doesn't matter if this was done intentionally or due to an oversight. And, ultimately if he was ineligible because of transfer or rules or residency status, I don't see where that matters either. If Neumann played the kid knowing the risk, he was dead wrong. If it was done due to an oversight or negligence, he was still dead wrong. The buck stops with him as far as making sure that everyone on his roster is eligible for whatever reason. That is his job and a big part of why he gets a rather sizeable salary from the taxpayers of NISD. In this case, that was not done and it has put a huge black eye on the athletic department and the district. Given the perception (real or not) that football and basketball have been recruiting PA Memorial kids, this goes a long way toward validating that belief, unfortunately.
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