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  1. Glad you posted those pictures. I didn't want to without the parent's consent. I totally agree it was interference. If you read my previous post, there was no argument that it was interference. The argument was that he did not "drop his shoulder", which sounded like he was trying to hurt the Kountze player. It also never happened at Kirbyville, or anywhere else. So, if you post things that happen in a game, stick to the facts. When you give false information...that's called lying. If the shoe fits... Just wish we had pictures of everything else that was said. Not saying Buna is perfect, by no means. They are kids. Mistakes happen. Interference happens. Lessons are learned each and every game. Best of luck to all the teams!
  2. Camera doesn't lie. Thank goodness for cameras!
  3. I agree! Sit back and relax. One thing about every game in every sport...there are always bad calls. That's just part of the game. And you are right...it's over before you know it! Most of theses kids on most of these teams are good kids that just want to play ball. Let them do that.
  4. There were bad calls made on both sides last night. The "small ruckus" in the stands was a Kountze parent yelling, "That is BS (but said it)...Kick his A#$". Yep, not Buna...Kountze. In a kids game. I understand this is strictly your view but since I was there, I thought I would clear this up. And no...that did NOT happen in Kirbyville. Matter of fact, it hasn't happened all year. Buna hasn't had ONE bad sportsmanship call all season. Our player WAS ejected, but he did not lower his shoulder. Regardless, the situation was handled. Shortly after, when a Kountze player swung at and shoved the Buna player, nothing was done. Shortly after again, because a specific K player kept mouthing things directly to B players, the umpire informed the coaches that they were NOT to run their mouths directly to other players. Buna's coach was fine with that. Kountze's coach was upset. Wonder why? Not trying to start a war, but your post made it sound as if Buna kids are bad sports. I watched the game in its entirety and close-up. These kids are young and have had no issues all season. I saw some terrible sportsmanship last night, but it wasn't from Buna.
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