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Everything posted by PAT

  1. I don’t know about you, but I’m feelin’ 22!!
  2. Heard BF is stuttering in the locker room at half. Worried about his house?
  3. Y’all laughed when I said Ned d is for real. My house is for sale and told my wife to go put the sign in the garage. Gonna be a lot of missing ones tonight!!
  4. Latulas catching TD’s and playing LB. That’s a real football player!!
  5. Gonna be a long night for that PN def!!! Latulas baby!!
  6. Other playoff team is Pam. Not investigating the team, investigating the refs
  7. Roses are red, purple minds are twisted. Bend over PN, y’all about to get **** *Mod edit* - inappropriate comment.
  8. Especially cause at the end of the night they’ll be 2 teams sharing the DC!
  9. I also noticed Shugs dad out there. Had a purple shirt on and the front said My sons back is hurt. As I passed him and read the back of his shirt it said my sons tired of carrying his team!!
  10. Gonna be a line of ticked off Indians when the game is final. Ned 45-42
  11. I can assure you that Ned will run and throw on that D all night!!
  12. Since I can’t use the word refs anymore I will say penalties. Penalties and a big head killed PAM in the second half. Trick plays kill a team with speed. Ned is way more disciplined than PAM.
  13. ^still confused- reminds me of Danny Malone when he got caught stealing the quarters from the coke machines:)
  14. You’re pretty good at talking trash. Lol
  15. What did you say? You were a ref that whole entire game?
  16. ^ what did he say?
  17. The biggest arbiter of the game kept magically reoccurring in the 2nd half.
  18. Don’t care about point differential. Line PNG and PAM against each other 10 times and PAM wins 7-8 times if not more. Like I said before, I think all of PN knows who the better team is. Doesn’t matter how you cut the onion it’s still gonna make you cry!!!
  19. Definitely not the best team in district. Was just better on one night than the best team in the district. Every blue moon something happens that is completely accidental and random!
  20. Half hangout around the totem pole and the other half hangout on the 50 yard line at the reservation. We get there early to prepare to cut one down and burn Big Ned in the other!!
  21. Of all these posts you chose to quote mine. You’ll be sent to the hole!
  22. I see you’re back on board. PNGFan
  23. Roy Halladay dies in small plane crash. Very sad!
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